Gun Control: Don’t Be Part of the Problem

If you feel that a bump stock ban is palatable because you do not own one, you are the problem. — Rick Ector (@detroitccw) October 11, 2018

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The story from (yes, they're still apparently in business) is Putin shows off sniper skills firing Kalashnikov rifle. Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday showed off his marksmanship by testing out a new Kalashnikov sniper...

How to Qualify for ‘EDC Wizard’ Status: Carry a Few of These Uncommon Items

'Carry' is a way of life, and that extends well beyond firearms. And sure, you might have some rather uncommon EDC gear, such as a lock pick, or a folding knife with a built-in flashlight....
Brownell's CCW Sash: Must Have Tacticool Accessory?

Brownells CCW Sash: Must Have Tacticool Accessory?

  The Brownells company has faithfully served gun owners for decades. Furthermore, the People of the Gun appreciate companies that don't bend to the whims of social justice warriors. And Brownells has lots of good...

Andrew ‘Old Hickory’ Jackson: American Badass

If there was ever a badass among our founding fathers it would be Andrew Jackson. Why? Keep reading. Jackson was a man’s man - something not exactly promoted or prominent in today’s climate. He...
Elon Musk's flamethrower (courtesy

How to Build a Boring Flamethrower That Looks Like a Gun — And Here’s...

"What follows is a video showing high level instructions on how to build a nearly exact copy of The Boring Company’s flamethrower," advises. "Basically, gut this $125 Airsoft gun and insert a propane torch. The total bill...
Screen shot Call of Duty W2 (courtesy

Question of the Day: Does Call of Duty WWII Suck? [Video NSFW]

In the video below, YouTuber The Act Man uses some strong language to rip Call of Duty WWII a new one. In a 36-minute diatribe TAM bitches about the dearth of weapon choices and a bunch of...

Ready for a Joke? A Young Deer Hunter Sat in His Treestand…

12 Watch the video to find out what happens: we don't want to ruin it for you. This young hunter will never forget his first deer, that's for sure. Everybody remembers their first deer, but the...

Lego Man Head Bullets. That is All

// Lego Man head bullets shot from a handgun, and making dreams come true. Admit it, you've always looked at those little Lego men with a cocked head, wondering what sort of things you can do...

Obscure Object of Desire: Pumpkin Cannon

I've seen more than my fair share of potato cannon videos. While I'm glad that the hair spray industry has found a way back from the post-80's doldrums, spud guns don't thrill me at...

Is Stretch Armstrong Bulletproof?

// Here's the bulletproof test you've all been waited for: can Stretch Armstrong withstand gunfire? When TAOFLEDERMAUS gets a good idea, he runs with it. And this one was certainly, um, unique. We're all familiar with Stretch...