Iowa County Officials Sue the Iowa Firearms Coalition Over Challenging Illegal Gun-Free Zones
Several Monroe County, Iowa officials thought it was a good idea to sue a gun rights group and one individual over their righteous challenge to some illegal gun-free zones that have been established on...
SAD TROMBONE: Boulder, Colorado Black Rifle and ‘Hi Cap’ Magazine Bans Struck Down
Don't pity the bigots in Boulder, Colorado who like to portray themselves as open to diversity. To the contrary, just like the bigots and racists who passed Army-Navy Laws after the Civil War to...
Kyle Rittenhouse’s Unlawful Possession Charge Is A Huge Can Of Worms
Make no mistake, America, nothing less than your God-given right to defend yourself, your family and your country is on trial in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Watch closely, and hold your government accountable. -- Attorney...
Following the Texas Church Shooting, Elvia Díaz – Like Most of the Media –...
Gun controllers are scrambling to explain away how a good guy -- several, in fact --with a gun stopped a bad guy, to rationalize more restrictions on good guys. The Arizona Republic's Elvia Díaz...
Hero CCW Pastor Who Shot Carjacker Comes Forward
The pastor in Washington State who stopped a one-man crime wave by shooting a carjacker has come forward with his first-hand account. The incident last week made the national news. Moreover, it showed once...
Armed Neighbor Saves Oklahoma Woman Attacked by Dogs – Defensive Gun Use of the...
An Enid, Oklahoma woman, Michelle Slaughter was attacked by a pack of five large dogs last week. She was bitten repeatedly and the dogs refused to stop the attack until an armed neighbor shot...
Pennsylvania State Rep. Jeff Pyle – Gun Hero of the Day
As in so many states since Parkland, the forces of civilian disarmament are doing their best to move the anti-gun ball forward in Pennsylvania. The house Judiciary Committee there has been taking testimony on...
TTAG Gun Hero of the Day: Steven Crowder
We've noted Steven Crowder's 'I'm Pro-Gun: Change My Mind' efforts in the past. The Canadian expat and conservative commentator sets up a table and a few cameras on a college campus, advertises his pro-gun...
Marchelle ‘Tig’ Washington – Gun Hero of the Day
Guns are for everyone. Well, everyone who wants one and can legally own one. The more people who learn to shoot and own firearms, the easier it will be to protect Americans' right to...
Concealed Carry Instructor Who Stopped Mall Attack Gets Congressional Badge of Bravery
Officer Jason Falconer received the Congressional Badge of Bravery for actions he took while off duty. Falconer was a part-time officer from nearby Avon, Minnesota when he stopped a mass stabbing in a St. Cloud,...
Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz: TTAG Gun Hero of the Day [VIDEO]
I couldn't do it. I couldn't sit there "debating" MSNBC's Joy Reid without blowing a gasket. Her constant interruptions -- interjecting false and misleading information -- her snide comments and snarky remarks would make me...
Senator Ted Cruz: TTAG Gun Hero of the Day
Texas Senator Ted Cruz is not the most photogenic politician. But he could well be the most conservative. An adjective that certainly applies to his support for the Second Amendment. For standing up to...