two male friends bros

Honor a Veteran With a Life-Saving Buddy Check

By Mark Oliva Veterans Day is a solemn occasion for many. It's a time when we, as a nation, honor those who wore the uniform and stood in defense of all we hold dear. It...

Vintage Gun Review: Savage Enfield No.4 MK1*

There are few guns that capture the imagination like those from World War II. I got into shooting because of my interest in these classic weapons and my love of history. Finding these guns...
Military Veterans Holding Flags in Parade

Power of the Purse: It’s Congress’s Job to Rein in the Biden Administration’ Abuse...

By Mark Oliva The Biden administration continues to find ways to break faith with America’s veterans. Beyond the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan and the unanswered questions left after 13 U.S. service members were killed in...

I Really Only Need Three Guns…For Now

  A TTAG reader writes . . . As I sit here writing this, I am forced to decide what firearm I should sell to come up some extra money to pay my mortgage this month....
Chris Murphy

Sen. Chris Murphy Using the Defense Authorization Bill to Attack Service Members’ Individual Gun...

By Mark Oliva It takes a certain amount of brazenness to put the responsibility of defending the nation on a young American and then, in the next breath, demand they forfeit those freedoms they are...
russian army

Russians Suddenly Discover the Value of an Armed Populace

Mikhail B. Khodorkovsky, a Russian businessman who has sought to unite groups opposing Putin, called on Russians opposed to the regime to arm themselves. “Now we see that only armed people can resist the dictatorship,”...
Canadian Armed Forces C22 SIG SAUER P320

Canadians Select the SIG SAUER P320 as the Sidearm for Their Armed Forces

Another western nation has adopted the SIG SAUER P320 as the official sidearm of its armed forces. Our neighbors to the north have christened the modular P320 as the C22 and have chosen it...

Tales of Bud and Jim and Their Vietnam Modded M60 Machine Guns

32   By Bud Harton Over the years, I have read a lot of posts badmouthing the M60 machinegun. I always thought that strange because that wasn’t my experience at all. Back in 1966-68, I used an...
Memorial Day flag grave remember

Honoring Those Who Gave Their Lives to Protect Our Freedoms

For some, Memorial Day is the kickoff of summer. Vacations are planned, backyard grilling and warm days with friends and family are in the works. It’s also a day of honoring those who gave...
Memorial day flags graves cemetery

Memorial Day Isn’t a Day of Mourning, It’s a Day of Commemoration

I have never been able to think of the day as one of mourning; I have never quite been able to feel that half-masted flags were appropriate on Decoration Day. I have rather felt...

Inside ‘The Vault’ of the National Museum of the Marine Corps

By Mark Oliva Memorial Day holds special meaning to the firearms industry. Like nearly all Americans, we pause to remember and honor those whose lives were sacrificed defending our freedoms. For firearms manufacturers, the small arms...

Kim Jong Un Pioneers New Strategy for Battling Chicago’s Rampant Violent Crime Problem

North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un has put an entire city under lockdown after 653 bullets went missing during a military withdrawal, it has been claimed. The dictator's officials have searched house-to-house in the city of Hyesan, which has...