Still Want a Free FNS-9? How About a Knife, Too?

If you weren't one of the two distinguished winners of our wildly successful content contest here at TTAG, there's good news. You still have one more shot. That's right, you have another chance to...

Sunday Funday: Playing with my New Can

19 There are few moments in life that are sweeter than firing the first rounds through your brand new silencer. It's the moment you've been looking forward to for months, the day you get to...

Weekend Photo Caption Contest

This weekend's most intriguing caption will earn the enterprising author...wait for it...a free holster, courtesy of SHTF Gear. That's right, make me laugh and you get your choice of a rig from SHTF's extensive...

Weekend Photo Caption Contest

The winner of this week's contest will get a free download of the incredibly handy FirearmSafe app via iTunes, courtesy of Bob Reck, the wizard behind the program.

Never Been Done Be-Fo! Sons of Guns Build Anti-Aircraft Gun

58 Well of course Red Jacket Firearms is messing around with an anti-aircraft gun. You do know that RJF was deeply involved in Project Babylon (building Saddam Hussein's super guns) and that they're shooting the...

What Could Possibly Go Wrong? Inteliscope iPhone Rifle Adapter/Software

It's not waterproof, it's not shock-proof, it's not nitrogen-purged, and there's no guarantee it will return to zero or even hold it, for that matter. But if you want to stream your prairie-dog kills...

TTAG Content Contest: Win A Free FNS-9 Handgun!

TTAG has a lot of time for FNH USA. As regular readers no doubt know, the Belgian-born gunmaker's embedded our man Leghorn in their 3-Gun team. RF calls his SCAR-16 and SCAR-17 his favorite outside...

Weekend Photo Caption Contest

Thanks to the wise guys at Italian Gun Grease, we have another prize for this weekend's winner. The IGG capos have provided us with a great sampler pack of their lubricants and cleaners including...

FNH USA’s Mark Hanish Wins Tac Optics at MGM Ironman

The MGM Ironman is one of the toughest 3-gun competitions in the United States. Days on end spent in the desert, running your guns through grueling stages, you need to keep your guns clean...

Finally Finished: My Suppressed 300 AAC Blackout SBR

And just in time for hunting season, too! I've just put the finishing touches on my new favorite rifle of all time and I wanted to share my excitement with you all. Ever since...

Some Full-Auto Fun to Brighten Your Monday

19 Mondays suck, but they suck less when you're watching machine guns on YouTube. It's a proven scientific fact. So in an effort to improve the beginning of your week, here's some video from this...