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This weekend’s most intriguing caption will earn the enterprising author…wait for it…a free holster, courtesy of SHTF Gear. That’s right, make me laugh and you get your choice of a rig from SHTF’s extensive product catalogue. What’s that? You’re not the creative type? Can’t write your way out of a paper bag? No problemo. As an added bonus, SHTF’s main man, Clay Moultrie, is offering the Armed Intelligentsia a 15% discount on all orders placed through the end of the day Monday, July 8. Just enter ‘TTAG-15’ during check-out to get the lower price. That oughta get the weekend off to a good start.

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    • 1917 actually. I think they were still using rabbit skins or sheep’s intestines back then.

  1. The nurses had finally had enough. This year the sailors were going to show up to the Sadie Hawkins dance whether they liked it or not.

  2. Wish I had a clever caption, but I don’t.. The image just reminds me of many photos from my grandma’s days in the Navy Nurse Corps in WWII. She was stationed at Port Huaneme for most of the time. Her favorite stories were from some of the Navy guys that were testing LCVPs. They would take some of the nurses out on nice days and go fishing off the LCVP, and let them fire the .30s if they had anything to load them with.

  3. This year, the chaperones weren’t kidding about the dance’s “hands on hands” policy.

  4. This dance is gonna be a blast! Nothing like a tea fueled dance to get the boys running!

  5. The head nurse said we had to much time for dancing and decided to drum up some business for the hospital

  6. Fueled by the fierce Army/Navy dance marathon rivalry, the Navy now feels it has a perfect solution to keeping its teams on the floor.

  7. The nurses found a new way to get the soldiers and sailors their suppositories, whether they showed up for the dance or not.

  8. ‘Round these parts, we take shotgun weddin’s to a whole new level.

  9. “Gonorrhea?!?! No, no, no, no!!! I said I’m going to Korea! Everything’s fine! See ya later!”

  10. …And suddenly the commandant realized he scheduled the dance at the wrong time of the month

  11. For reasons no one can explain, 1943 was a record breaking year for donations to St. Mary’s Children’s Hospital.

  12. “That had Damn Sure better be a pickle in your pocket Sonny!!! And you better have enough to go around”!!!!

  13. With most of the Pacific Fleet returning from the P.I. The Navy nurses were more than nervous about the “clap” line during sick call today.

  14. After the sneak attack at Pearl Harbor, the sisters were prepared in case the japs sneak attacked Topeka!

  15. “Now Girls, it may look a little big, but it is sure to keep your virtue intact”

  16. “All hands on deck! All hands on deck! Man the guns!”
    “I said ON DECK, sailor!”

  17. The Ted Nugent Nursing School, class of 43, prepares to demonstrate their way of bringing medicine to the military.

  18. The ladies of Fort Riley Kansas all agree, the new needle guns have been a resounding success!
    “Reported cases of the Spanish Flu are down 90%,” according to one unnamed nurse.

  19. The discount code is not currently working for me…I would like to make a purchase and I would sure love to save 15%.

  20. “Squat and cough” was no longer argued about at the battalion aid station.

  21. The ladies from the Red Cross Auxiliary finally found an effective method for preventing the DJ from playing the Macarena.

  22. Look at these lovely ladies! And see those neck lines? They’re almost risky. And those navel deck guns! If you have to ask what guns then stop looking at the gals’ ankles.

  23. All Alice could do was seethe with rage…after all the effort she had put into getting cannons for the first annual “If you’re ‘gun’ is not as big as this cannon don’t waste my time” social, she knew that a precedent-setting first recorded photo bomb in history was occurring right behind her.

  24. The “free flu shots for military personal” promotion was scrapped early the first day when all enlisted men returned to their postings and refused leave.

  25. But being as this is the most powerful machine guns in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Do I feel lucky?” Well, do ya, punk?

  26. After his brilliant photo bomb, and tapping the tall nurse on the right shoulder, Kilroy knew there were bigger and better things out there for him! Shipbuilding was just the start!

  27. Form one line on the right boys. Those needing a second opinion form a line on the left.

  28. the first photo bombing picture ever. (Notice the creepy guys eyes on the right peeking over their shoulders)

  29. Brad ruins the Army Nurses First Annual Tea and Artillery Cotillion Group Photo by peering over Brunhilda’s shoulder.

  30. I like big guns and I can not lie, when a girl walk in with an itty bitty waist and a big gun in your face…..

  31. NOTICE:
    ALL Men, this party is about DANCING ONLY. And we MEAN IT!
    (The trajectory of these weapons speaks for itself)

  32. Now with both the law and a pair of deck guns on their side, the Senior Ratings of USS Seafood could finally drag out those gorgeous costumes they’ve had stowed since before Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.

  33. The ladies at the Army & Navy Tea Room took austere measures to make sure those boys left room for Jesus between dance partners.

  34. With a dance being authorized by the politically correct base CO as a ruse, the Navy Nurses were feeling very confident this year. With their water canons zeroed, they have their game faces on as this picture was taken before the Annual Army-Navy Mud Wrestling Contest!

  35. New management (shown) renames; re-purposes former “Army, Navy T&A Room” strip club.

    • i love Monty Python. No one will get it. i would have gone with:

      We are but eightscore young blondes, all between sixteen and nineteen-and-a-half, cut off in this castle, with no one to protect us. Oooh. It is a lonely life … bathing … dressing … undressing … making exciting underwear….

      • Love Monty Python !! Would have also gone with: “I’ll stay!! I’ll stay!! I’ll help with the royal spankings!!”

  36. This stud is ours. He ain’t goin’ off to no Great War!

    Said about the guy in back.

  37. After the colonel’s orders at the last mixer that wallflowerism would not be tolerated, went largely unheeded the nurse’s auxiliary took matters into their own hands.

  38. See how buying war bonds has helped already? No more injuries from getting into drunken brawls. If the boys on shore leave get out of hand, the nurses now have a way to calm them down with the new gas launchers issued to them.

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