Protecting and Serving: Springfield, IL Police Seized Homeowner’s Gun After Investigating Her Report of...

"We're from the government and we're here to help." Those words should strike fear into the heart of any American. Too often government "protects and serves" the little people - good and hard -...

Fontana, CA Police Find a Homebrewed Shooting Range Under Gang Member’s House

Cops in Fontana, California made a discovery that played well for the sensationalistic mainstream media. They found a home-made indoor shooting range under the home of a reputed gang member. More alarming, cops also...
dog in purse

Canine Burglar Alarm: Early Morning Home Invader Shot by Chicago Home Owner

Man's best friend makes the best burglar alarm. A northwest Chicago resident's dog woke him up after 1 a.m yesterday. The barking, followed by a noise from the man's basement spurred Mr. Homeowner to...

McCloskeys: St. Louis Prosecuting Attorney Kim Gardner is ‘Just As Dumb As a Sack...

Mark and Patricia McCloskey nearly lost their careers and gained felony convictions after standing up to a trespassing mob of Black Lives Matter "protesters" threatening to kill them and burn their house down. That...
Los Angeles crime scene

De-Policing Los Angeles: Defunded LAPD Won’t Respond 30 Types of 911 Calls

From the NRA-ILA . . . Many municipalities being pressured by the progressive left have “defunded the police,” with activists claiming that shrinking “massive” police budgets would actually improve public safety. The Los Angeles Police...

So a Naked Woman Walked Into a Virginia Man’s Home and Attacked Him With...

Virginia might be for lovers, but a Carroll County Virginia woman apparently didn't get the memo. In a story that started off like a bad Penthouse Forum letter, an unclothed woman allegedly walked into...
funeral coffin via shutterstock

Lowest of the Low: ‘Obituary Burglar’ Shot Dead in Henderson, Nevada

A thug on parole after serving time for drugs, theft, and a dash of child abuse was found in the home of a recently deceased 93-year-old man in Henderson, Nevada. The homeowner's son found...
Philando Castile traffic stop shooting

Sullum: Conservatives’ Attitudes About Marijuana Prohibition Beginning to Align With Their Attitudes About Gun...

The marijuana that alarmed Yanez also figured in public comments about the shooting by Dana Loesch, a conservative radio host who at the time was a spokeswoman for the National Rifle Association...

Florida Dad Shoots At Room-Mate Who Slipped Into Teen Daughter’s Bed Naked

A person must face imminent death or great bodily injury at the hands of an attacker to use deadly force in most jurisdictions. However one Florida dad couldn't think clearly after his teen daughter...

Chicago Mayoral Candidate Advocated Zeroing Out Police Budgets in 2020

Not even three years ago, current Chicago mayoral candidate Brandon Johnson didn't think "defunding the police" went far nearly enough. Not if that meant cutting the budget for law enforcement, anyway. Instead, he wanted...

Defining Deviancy Down: Being Victimized by Criminals is Now a ‘Basic City Life Experience’

Most Americans understand that our country has had a problem with a surge in crime over the last couple of years. In response, there has been a surge in gun purchases, and millions of law-abiding...
Alvin Bragg

Manhattan DA Backs Down Again, Drops Attempted Murder Charge Against Wounded Robbery Victim

Did you take the under in the line we set yesterday as to how many days it would take Manhattan's "progressive" prosecutor to do a 180 and drop attempted murder charges against a wounded...