This is What Happens to A Disarmed Populace: Bad Guys Get Guns Edition

A TTAG commentator writes: According to, Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev walked up to the MIT officer's car and shot him in the head, unprovoked. It appears to be an assassination. But why? How did that fit...

Boston Bombers Had One Gun: Ruger 9mm; Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Was Unarmed During Final...

"Even though the Tsarnaev brothers made a violent dash from police, allegedly tossing homemade bombs as they fled, police told ABC News they so far have recovered only a single, semi-automatic handgun from the...

A Tale of Two Good Samaritans

By Don N. A Mormon bishop used a samurai sword to come to the aid of a woman who was being attacked outside his home yesterday. Can you imagine the national media covering an incident in this...

Arkansas Set to Become Fifth Constitutional Carry State?

I'm not sure if Arkansas Carry is jumping the gun a bit. The gun rights group devotes an entire graph of their celebratory announcement to warning gun owners that this done deal maybe ain't so done...

Tori Nonaka Crowned Production Class High Lady

  Production Class High Lady sounds like a bad translation from English to Japanese and back (with some dyxslexia thrown in for good measure). But it's actually an enormous honor that the United States Practical...

Dorner Disaster: LA Taxpayers Shell Out $4m For Bad Shoot

"Margie Carranza and her mother Emma Hernandez were delivering newspapers on early on 7 February when officers fired about 100 bullets into their car," reports. "Los Angeles police were looking for Dorner when they...

New York Daily News: Pro-Gun Control Rally a Damp Squib

No, the New York Daily News didn't call Senator Chuck Schumer's pro-gun control rally a damp squib. Far from it. "About 100 people gathered outside Schumer's Manhattan office to praise his work cracking down...

Quote of the Day: Slavery and the Boston Bomber Edition

"It strikes us as perverse and absurd that the people in Watertown are being told to stay indoors and let the 'professional protectors' handle it. That is exactly backwards from what a free people...

Incendiary Image of the Day: Most Americans Now Believe a Gun in the Home...

More good news after the Senate shot down gun ban bills that would have infringed on Americans' Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms. Of course, that's not the way spun the...

Boston Lockdown Shows Impotence of Militarized Police

No disrespect to the law enforcement officers chasing after terrorist Dzhokar Tsarnaev. They're doing what cops gotta do. But let's think about this. Nearly 10,000 heavily armed cops and soldiers chasing after one guy with...

Quote of the Day: Arianna Huffington Anti-Gun AgitProp Edition

“I call it crusading journalism in the spirit of Upton Sinclair.” - Arianna Huffington, Gun vote triggers media outcry 

How Will Gun Grabbers Spin the Boston Bombing Suspects?

As Chris Matthews furiously Googles to see if -- somehow -- the Boston Chechnyan bombing suspects were members of a nascent Tea Party cell in Grozny, we're getting conflicting information as to how long...