Screen capture by Boch via Rumble.

Gun control disarms victims, not criminals. Two very high-profile attacks in Europe in the past 24 hours prove that point eloquently, but sadly won’t change minds of gun control radicals in America or anywhere else.  In Slovakia, a would-be assassin shot a very popular (and populist) Prime Minister. Meanwhile in France, a drug gang shot up a prisoner transport team, killing at least two guards and wounding others.

Compared to most (but not all) jurisdictions in the U.S., the Europeans have extremely robust gun control schemes. It tends to help keep the subjects there disarmed and helpless in the face of terrorists, criminals and authoritarian governments.

Even with all of the gun control in the world, there’s still no shortage of “gun violence” in those nations. Or high-profile crimes like these.

First, from Slovakia, courtesy ZeroHedge:

Slovakia’s populist prime minister Robert Fico has been shot, according to breaking news reports, after which he was rushed to the hospital and appears to be alive according to early reports. But some reports have listed his condition as “very serious” and that he had to be airlifted.

According to emerging details in The Associated Press, Fico “was injured in a shooting and taken to hospital. The incident took place in the town of Handlova, some 150 kilometers northeast of the capital, according to the news television station TA3.”

Fico gained in popularity by telling the globalists to pound sand. He opposes Ukraine’s admission to NATO. Fico also publicly suggested that Ukraine would have to give up territory to end fighting with Russia. After all, that’s what people losing a war do when they surrender.

Fico also opposed illegal immigration, told WHO to buzz off and regulated non-government organizations to limit their ability to facilitate illegal activities including illegal border crossers.

Meanwhile, in France this happened.

From the AP:

PARIS (AP) — A massive manhunt was underway in France on Wednesday for armed assailants who ambushed a prison convoy, killing two prison officers, seriously injuring three others and springing the inmate they were escorting. The prime minister vowed the gang would be caught, saying, “They will pay.”

“We are tracking you, we will find you and we will punish you,” Prime Minister Gabriel Attal said in parliament, to applause from lawmakers. “They will pay for what they have done.”

The escaped convict, Mohamed Amra, 30, has a long criminal record, with at least 13 convictions for robbery and other crimes, the first when he was just 15, prosecutors said.

French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin said “unprecedented” efforts were being deployed. Hundreds of officers were mobilized in the search for Amra and for the assailants who laid in wait for the prison van transporting him, ramming a car into it before opening fire on Tuesday.

The violence of the attack shocked France. Prison workers held moments of silence Wednesday outside prisons in Paris and elsewhere to commemorate the officers who were killed.

Clearly the criminals in France have no problems getting guns, ammunition and skill sets amid strict gun control regimes.


  1. Why is France surprised? There’s like a hundred movies where this very scene plays out. It’s so cliche at this point you’d think it really has happened a hundred times.

    Parisians should just be like “meh, it’s about time” and go on praising open borders and diversity.

    • French women are welcoming the Islamic invaders with open thighs, just as they welcomed the conquering Nazis.

      • Because they know they’ll be used willingly or unwittingly. Better the former.

      • Frenchisca, “No, No, No, that’s my armpit”
        Possum, “Oh, the hair threw me off.”

      • “French women are welcoming the Islamic invaders with open thighs,…”

        Initially, yes, not so much, anymore. Enough illegally-young French girls getting brutally gang-raped by the ‘immigrants’ has changed their minds…

  2. France or Slovakia doesn’t surprise me. Hopefully France won’t have a repeat of Munich 1972🙄 I’m a bit more concerned about our southern border!

  3. Never mind Gun Control france when the nyc Gun Control crowd has a no crime specified kangaroo court currently in progress. Good news is the scheme is causing democRats to lose even more of the zero credibility they had left…fjb.

    TRUMP 2024

  4. Next time he visits Papa Vlad he should ask for protection. And wipe that Putin shootin’ off his chin.

  5. WTF does the attempted assassination of the Slovakian Prime Minister have to do with civilian disarmament? Obviously he had access to armed security and soldiers.

    • The same people who probably arranged for him to be shot, also want to disarm you.

      • Considering the guy who nearly got assassinated runs a country with gun laws stricter than anything in the US, it doesn’t seem like that makes much difference.

        Pretty thin connection. I think Boch was just on some weird roll. I mean, there are a hundred shootings in the world every day that would better exemplify the need for citizen rights to keep and bear arms. This is about as far as you can get from it.

        • Honestly that was probably the case but fun seeing how the fun laws do nothing.

          • Slovakia has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the E.U. with only 8.3 firearms per 100 citizens. Unless you are a criminal or terrorist.

      • Whether it is tinfoil or a faint glow coming from your post yes that is possible.

    • I went to one in Aruba. Pro tip: when traveling abroad, don’t require medical attention. You’re welcome.

      • Always spend the extra $$$ on travel/medical insurance and stay out of third world 5h1th0les.

    • “Remind me not to go to the ER in Slovakia.”

      It will be a neater trick to see a 9 inch-high Possum swim the 3,500 miles across the shark-infested Atlantic ocean… 😉

  6. The europeans have learned nothing from their own history. They will always be slaves or masters.

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