OMG! A Rifle Raffle! An AR-15 Rifle Raffle! OMG!

"It's a controversial raffle involving a controversial rifle," reports. "The Georgia Gun Owners Group is giving you the chance to win two AR-15 rifles at upcoming gun shows." Wait. What? What's controversial about a...

Another AP History Book (American Pageant) Distorts 2A

We've already revealed the Second Amendment "re-write" contained in United States History: Preparing for the Advanced Placement Examination. The Texas school district deploying theAP History text crib notes assured TTAG teachers are telling students the real...

Armed Intelligentsia Gear…Get Yours Right Here

Actually here. Tons of colors and styles. You know you want one . . .

Behind The Scenes At Tactical Distributors’ Calendar Photo Shoot

33 As RF acknowledged a few weeks back, one of the things we identified in our latest reader survey is the Armed Intelligentsia's distaste for cheesecake. Not the raspberry lemon swirl variety. No, we mean...

Henry Bowman [Not Shown]: Why I’m Taking My Coffee Business Elsewhere

by Henry Bowman Yesterday, our head scribe laid out the reasons why he would continue his caffeine consumption, with a side of high fructose corn syrup muffins, at his friendly neighborhood Starbucks. He made good,...

Why I’m Not Boycotting Starbucks

Yes, I'm blogging this post from Starbucks. And yes, that's a cream cheese pumpkin muffin in front of an old fat white guy---who's packing heat. I realize that more than a few members of...

Incendiary Image of the Day: Protecting Yourself During a “Shooting Event”

"Matthew Maasdam, a former Navy SEAL and chief executive of Move2Safety, offers training to mitigate danger from 'active shooter' incidents similar to the Navy Yard attack," informs (click on the link for an...

Quote of the Day: Ray of Sanity Edition

"...Like it or not, the folks spraying our cities with bullets are not NRA members or legal gun owners. And despite the tendency to tie it all together, they have nothing to do with...

TTAG On Bill Frady’s Lock ‘N Load Show

  I was on Bill Frady's GOA-sponsored Lock 'N Load Radio Show today. This is pretty much what Marconi had in mind when he invented the radio. And thanks to the magic of the intertubes, we're able...

Texas: Don’t Mess with the OFWGs!

"As the number of concealed handgun licenses continues to increase in Texas, the top age group seeking concealed handgun licenses in the past five years has been over 50," reports. "Statewide, there are...

Quote of the Day: Pearls of Wisdom Edition

‘‘We are confronting yet another mass shooting, and today it happened on a military installation in our nation’s capital. It’s a shooting that targeted our military and civilian personnel. These are men and women...

TTAG Launches Armed Intelligentsia Branded Gear

TTAG's dedicated readership -- our Armed Intelligentsia -- are a demanding bunch. When we introduced the TTAG Pro Shop the AI said "Great, but where's the Armed Intelligentsia stuff?" Good point. TTAG is Inside Baseball. Wearing...