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As RF acknowledged a few weeks back, one of the things we identified in our latest reader survey is the Armed Intelligentsia’s distaste for cheesecake. Not the raspberry lemon swirl variety. No, we mean scantily clad models, many of whom hail from foreign lands. So being the responsive publishers we are, we’ve cut back on the leggy blond linkage. But here’s the weird thing: it seems that – against all odds – sex still sells. Which probably explains why just posted a mini-documetary chronicling their 2014 calendar shoot. And yes, we’re horrified, too. Really.

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  1. The sight of chick butt in short shorts proned out behind a rifle will never get old.


    Not even a little bit.

  2. It was a real challenge getting a freeze of the young lady almost in the girdle(?) at 0:18, but it was worth it.

  3. My first thought was nice rifle… Now I know I’ve been working too hard…

    No sweetie, that rifle doesn’t make your butt look big… 🙂

  4. Don’t you just love the way recoil creates jiggles? Never let a well-endowed woman shoot anything smaller than .30 caliber.

  5. I for one liked the scantily clad maiden pictures and i agree with Matt there is nothing hotter than a cute girl in skimpy clothes with a gun… nothing not even that one picture of that one girl doing that thing you love

  6. Can’t imagine who was protesting so much. Seems to me since most of the time it was just a superfluous link anyone who was opposed simply could ignore the link and move on with the rest of the post. I found the oblique references generally amusing.

    Oh well, it’s not like we can’t get R-rated pics anywhere else.

  7. Beautiful women and guns while very sexy and a turn on, it does not make me want to buy that particular firearm or part and so on.

  8. Ya know, after watching that video 147 times, I’m offended. There weren’t any guns in that video…

  9. This is why I married a stripper (X-stripper these days) and taught her to shoot! She’s still a democrat (for now) But, at least she supports the 2nd amendment and the black rifles now!

  10. Where’s that jerk who was cat calling the pretty girl who won the last photo contest for being “too fat”? (yah, he’s a NUT JOB!!!)

    I’m sure he’ll have some scintillating reasons why these girls’ thighs are too jiggly or their abs are not flat enough.

    He’s a malcontent. For sure. It’s just never good enough for some people, you ever notice that?

  11. The only thing worse than seeing this garbage on TTAG would be to have been at the actual filming of these half naked beautiful women running around like that. I wish I were a camera man…really I do. Oh the shame of it all….

  12. I hit exit at 52 seconds when light dawned that wasn’t gonna happen in my life
    Will keep watching only for research purposes

  13. I am shocked! shocked! to see that a business would use attractive women to sell their products!

    Sort of like watching the major network news – you don’t see a lot of OFWW on those liberal propaganda productions, do you?

  14. That just looked like a bunch of strippers playing mall ninja. I prefer the Nill Griffe 2011 calendar. The Nill calendar has a tastefully nude woman posing with their various hand-made walnut grips on different guns.

    Please note that there are a LADY’S NIPPLES and WALNUT GRIPS through that link, be careful.

    Also note that it is low-res and the calendar seems to still be for sale in their shop, but I would try and confirm that in some way before getting my hopes up. Who ever thought I would be so keen to pay almost forty dollars for an old calendar?

  15. There’s a fat chick in there somewhere (and no, I don’t lovingly slow mo to find the exact spot) doing makeup or something. I bet she would be a much better shooter than all the little princesses here, as more mass equals better recoil absorption. OFWGs shoot pretty well too…

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