Breast Implant Saves Shooting Victim’s Life. Maybe.

As the LA Times points out, the plastic surgeon claiming that D-cup breast implants saved shooting victim Lydia Carranza's life has an axe to grind. So to speak. "Cosmetic surgeon {Dr. Ashkan Ghavami] hopes...

Artist Nails Mona Lisa Copy


NC Congressional Candidate Holds “Machine Gun Social”

0 The unintentionally ironically named shares the mainstream media's belief that the Tea Party movement and gun nuts make for regular bedfellows. And they want you to know it (as in see it their...

Why Am I Surprised That There’s a Website for This?

More stories about the curvy cuties at Cowgirls Ranch where guys are only allowed to watch. Any guys who try to participate are fed a heaping helping of hot lead . . . Desparados ...

$500 Truck Mounted T-Shirt Cannon at

Our truck mount for the Hot Shot launcher is just what you have been looking for. 360 degree horizontal, 180 degree vertical, 3-5 feet adjustable height and two base styles for mounting. Plus, you...

TWHN BS: Suicide Prevention At Gun Ranges Edition

Two suicides on New Albany, OH gun ranges in the last two years have The Other Paper wondering: should gun ranges take responsibility for screening users' mental health? According to writer Steph Greegor, "nationally,...

Total Recoil 3: A Head by A Nose


TWHS BS: Ayuh Edition

We've reported on the relaxation of the federal parks gun ban. As of Monday, licensed gun owners are good to stow. Of course, not everyone is happy about this new state of affairs. For...

Students for Concealed Carry on Campus Clobber

Click here for the org's homepage. Click here for a surprisingly balanced article on their efforts via the UK's Independent newspaper.

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Total Recoil 2: What You Can’t See . . .


Melbourne Flash Mob Re-Enacts Xbox Gun Ad

0 In case you're wondering Whiskey Tango Foxtrot this clip is all about, it's an Australian "flash mob" re-enacting a banned Xbox 360 commercial that made the rounds some four years ago. So to speak....