AR-15 car trunk

Lefties are Leaving Austin for Safer Locations Like Boston Where There Are Fewer AR-15s

On a late summer evening, friends of John Stettin gathered at a bar called Kitty Cohen’s in East Austin to say good-bye. A carrot cake with “Good Luck” written in orange icing softened in...

State Police Swamped as Oregonians Buy All The Guns They Can Ahead of 114...

Measure 114 opponents fear the measure will increase the background check backlog and cause unnecessary delays for people who can legally buy a gun and want to protect themselves. State police are “hopelessly under gunned, pardon the...

Road Rager Pro Tip: Don’t Pull a Gun On a Cop in an Unmarked...

A road-raging Utah man was busted after he pointed a gun at a driver who turned out to be a police officer in an unmarked vehicle. Taylor Ray Bradley, 29, was driving just outside of Salt...

Cook County’s Preckwinkle: Residents of Affluent Neighborhoods Finally Getting A Taste of Chicago’s Gunfire...

Oh, so you see the word “winner”  in a headline and you expected what, a photo of Gov. J.B. Pritzker, the Democrat and Commodius Maximus of Illinois? Sorry. J.B. isn’t a “winner.” What did he win, really? Yes,...
gun store counter

FPC States Its Case in Challenge to Massachusetts’ Approved Handgun Roster

To be sure, Massachusetts’s prohibition on the commercial sale of common handguns qualifies as a ban. Massachusettsans—including Plaintiffs—are left only with the hopes of finding such arms through a secondhand market, where they lack...
Rekha Basu

Rekha Basu’s Blizzard of Misinformation on Stand Your Ground and the Gun Lobby’s ‘Cynical...

One of the best results of last week’s midterms — coming out of Florida, no less — was the election to the U.S. House of 25-year-old March for Our Lives organizer Maxwell Alejandro Frost,...
Governor Abbott Texas Constitutional Carry

Narrative Fail: Every Governor Who Signed a Constitutional Carry Law Won Re-Election

It did not take long for anti-gun activists in the media to make the claim gun control is a winning issue for Democrats, but only if the glaring problems with that picture are ignored. Abortion,...
high large capacity magazines

Multiple Oregon Sheriffs Say They Won’t Enforce Measure 114’s Magazine Capacity Limit

"I want to send a clear message to Linn County residents that the Linn County Sheriff’s Office is NOT going to be enforcing magazine capacity limits,” the post reads. “This measure is poorly written...
University of Michigan campus carry guns

Michigan Supreme Court Sends U of M Gun Ban Back to Lower Court for...

Nonetheless, it seems apparent that large, modern university campuses differ from their historical antecedents. Many are involved in urban planning with mixed-use projects that include shops and nonstudent residences. The University of Michigan itself...

US District Judge Buys Biden’s Justification for Continuing Marijuana Ban for Gun Owners

President Joe Biden, who recently issued a mass pardon for low-level marijuana offenders, says cannabis consumption should not be treated as a crime. His administration nevertheless defends the federal ban on gun possession by marijuana users, arguing that Second Amendment...
gun in chicken transportation security administration

TSA Finds Gun Hidden Inside Florida Woman’s Chicken

The chickens came home to roost for one traveler who hatched the “greasy” idea of packing a firearm inside a raw hen for their flight out of Florida. On Monday afternoon, the Transportation Security Administration...
Times Square gun free zone sign gun-free

Barron: New York’s Post-Bruen Gun Control Temper Tantrum Targeted the Wrong People

  At no point in this rush to condemn the Court and impose the nation’s harshest statewide restrictions on simple gun ownership did any major official offer evidence that these new laws would...