Umbrella-Armed Man Triggers Campus Lockdown

  An unidentified man (not pictured) 'armed' with only an umbrella prompted a three-hour lockdown of the East Carolina University campus in Greenville, North Carolina this morning. And no, it wasn't a rifle-shaped umbrella. It...

H.R. 822 (National Right to Carry) Passes House

The National Right to Carry Act, a piece of legislation that would enable those with concealed carry permit in any state to carry in every other state that issues concealed carry permits, has passed...

HR822 National Right to Carry Being Debated in House RIGHT NOW

The National Right to Carry Act is being debated in the House of Representatives RIGHT NOW! Click here to watch live. Following the live debate the bill will be put to a vote, and if yesterday's...

Site Update

This morning we experienced some temporary issues with posting articles and comments within the site. We apologize for the aggravation. I have corrected this issue, but a root cause has not been found.  I...

New York Times: Microstamping is a Minority Issue

As we’ve documented here, the New York Times has been on quite the anti-gun roll in recent days. First was the gun rights for felons horror. Then there was snarky Joe Sharkey’s lament over...

ATF Classifies Pot Scrubbers as Silencers, Makes Possession Illegal

David Codrea published an article today about an interesting letter one law abiding silencer owner received from the ATF. The silencer owner in question owns an AWC .22lr silencer that uses a material made...

Gun Review: German Sport Guns (“GSG”) 522 SD

Unless you live under a rock like that guy in the GEICO commercials, you will have noticed the recent trend by gun manufacturers to offer replicas of military long guns chambered in .22 LR....

Ding! Time for Another NYT Anti-Gun Rights Article

We have no way of knowing for sure, but you have to figure that editors at the New York Times probably make good use of their Outlook reminder function. It just seems they must...

Flying the Unfriendly Skies: A Pilot on Guns on Planes

TTAG Commentator Eric S added the following underneath our Question Of The Day on guns on planes. After liberating it from the spam queue (sorry Eric), I've elevated it here for your consideration. Okay, not...

Does John Moses Browning’s Genius Know No Bounds?

As you surely know, today is Veterans Day. So take a vet you know to lunch. Better yet, buy one a beer and thank him or her for their service. And when you've properly...

Setpoint Custom Ammo Offers First Order Discount

5 Have a hankerin' to try some custom-brewed ammo in that new rifle of yours? Setpoint hopes once you go bespoke, you'll never go back. Toward that end, they're offering a 25% discount on your first order....