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This morning we experienced some temporary issues with posting articles and comments within the site. We apologize for the aggravation. I have corrected this issue, but a root cause has not been found.  I am planning to continue to test things throughout the day. Please let me know if you notice any quirkiness with the site.  Thanks for everyone’s patience.

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  1. I did notice things were a little wierd but everything seems fine now. I just wanted to thank you for all the time and work you put into this site. I have recently started visiting and commenting on this site and enjoy it very much. I plan to tell all my friends about this site as well.

  2. I don’t know if it has anything to do with your site, but I keep getting a Shockwave crash notice when I come here. Nowhere else, but I’m not a big net surfer. I reinstalled the Adobe shockwave reader this morning and so far no problems.

  3. I have been having trouble with Google Chrome crashing at TTAG. About a third of the time the “Skype Toolbar” will fail and closing that solves the problem. The other 2/3rds of the time it just crashes so I switch browsers. Firefox and IE seem to be working fine.

  4. Please let me know if you notice any quirkiness with the site.

    Well, mikeb posted something. Does that count?

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