What Could Possibly Go Wrong? – 9mm Earphones Edition

   My job takes me all over eastern Washington and north-central Oregon. This is gun-friendly country, even though the particulars of my contracts make it a PITA to tool up when work takes me there. While...

Random Thoughts About A Boat And Open Carry

I watched the speedboat speed down the Seekonk River. In my youth I would have wished myself on board, carving the water at Warp 5 for the sheer bloody hell of it. Now I...

An Armed Guard is Not The Answer to School Shootings

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWOx-EIAu9c#at=16 Notice the word "the." An armed guard is not "the" answer to school shootings. And no, I'm not going to prattle on about a comprehensive approach to preventing active shooters in this nation's schools....

Teachers & Their Heaters

After a lengthy series of deeply depressing stories about educators and their thundering idiocy about firearms, from toy gun buybacks to expulsions of 7th graders for wearing an NRA shirt, I ran across this article on CNN.com about...

Inside the Twisted Mind of a Gun Grabber: Barack Obama Edition

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enR0F6yZt6I “We may not live in fear of nuclear annihilation, but as long as nuclear weapons exist, we are not truly safe." Wait. Did those words come out of the mouth of the President of...

FNS-9 Contest Entry: New Shooter Do’s and Don’t’s

By Brandon N. For my birthday my wife got me a membership to the local range. It has been fantastic.  Not only do I get a free lane but taking a buddy with me only...

No Women Infantrymen Until 2015. If Ever.

  Women soldiers, guns, combat? Oorah! Or not. Not until 2015 anyway. The Defense Department's released the U.S. military services’ and U.S. Special Operations Command’s plans for "implementing women into previously closed positions." There's a plan...

FNS-9 Contest Entry: Confessions Of A Former Gun Grabber

By John G. I voted for Obama…twice. Now before you get your pitchforks and torches, would it help if I told you that I really really regret the most recent decision in light of his...

The Rev. James E. Atwood: Guns are America’s Idol

The Kansas City Star had a "come to Jesus" moment on gun control yesterday. Only without mentioning Jesus because that would be politically incorrect. The paper's editorial writers opened the hearts to The Lord...

FNS-9 Contest Entry: America-An Armed Society

By Michael C. I was having breakfast with some friends recently when the conversation turned to the subject of arming school teachers. One friend asked, "Since when are we an armed society?" To which I...

FNS-9 Contest Entry: Embracing the Other Side

By: Tim U. If one were to listen to the gun-grabbing politicians, one would think that all gun owners are far-right wing extremists bent on opposing everything and everyone opposed to the mainstream Republican agenda....

Guess What Happens to A Disarmed Populace: Venezuela Edition

My Dad used to do business in Caracas. The Caraqueños were incredibly hospitable. I never worried about his safety. These days, Venezuela has one of the highest per capita murder rates in the world. Like Chicago,...