Incoming Refugees Have Austrians, Especially Women, Stocking Up on Guns

The typical strategy among gun control activists is to point toward Europe as the shining example of gun control. It's a hoplophobe's Nirvana were most firearms ownership is banned, and Europeans seem to be...

LA Enacts “Safe Storage” Firearm Ordinance

63 The Los Angeles City Council has unanimously passed a new "safe storage" law, the violation of which is a misdemeanor offense. Mayor Eric Garcetti has announced his plan to sign the law, which will take effect 30...

Blood Porn at The Trace and The Washington Post

Tim Wheeler at Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership writes: As public opinion and consequently firearm policy have steadily tended toward affirming the Second Amendment, gun prohibitionists have reacted by becoming frantic.  They now push the...

NRA Responds to President Obama’s Remarks in Chicago Today [VIDEO]

91 The NRA isn't letting any grass grow under its feet when it comes to countering the Obama administration's stepped-up anti-gun rhetoric these days. Good to see. Here are a few helpful statistics they've provided...

President Obama Calls for National Gun Control. Again. Still. [VIDEO]

86 Speaking to the International Association of Chiefs of Police in Chicago, President Obama wasted no a lot of time reassuring cops that he supports them (to tepid applause) before getting to the meat of the...

Amish Man Sues for Right to Purchase a Firearm Without a Photo ID

In the opinion of just about everyone in the Democrat party, the idea of asking someone to display a photo ID in order to cast a vote is a thinly veiled racist attempt to intimidate...

OMG! A Kid’s Facebook Page! With a Gun Pic! OMG!

A Canuckistanian high schooler attends career day. At his own school. Members of the Canadian military are there posing for pics with some of the students. When Bryson Evans posts one of the pics...

Congresswoman Proposes $100 per Gun Federal Tax

Let's say you're a dedicated anti-gun politician. Things haven't been really going your way in recent years. Not only are Americans are buying more guns than ever before, but at the same time that...

White House: Chicago’s Gun Control Failure Indicates the Need for National Gun Control

"The city of Chicago is a good illustration of why allowing local jurisdictions to put in place these gun safety laws doesn’t work," White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest told the press corps ahead...

Incendiary Image of the Day: Common Sense Mass Shooting Control

If it weren't for Eugene Volokh's counterbalancing column and the existence of MSNBC, you could say The Washington Post is Everytown for Gun Safety's greatest mainstream media ally. Fortunately, the Post isn't totally immune to factuality....

A New Strategy for Gun Rights Advocates? [VIDEO]

52 Words matter, we're told. Which is why I had to play this anti-attack ad attack ad twice. First time through I thought Virginia Senate hopeful Glen Sturtevant was anti-gun rights. When I heard the closing comment "As...

Chicago Police Supt Garry McCarthy Doesn’t Blame Guns for ‘Gun Violence’ – Much [VIDEO]

27 In the video above, Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy tells the interviewer that he and some of his big city LEO BFFs put their heads together and came up with two reasons for the recent uptick...