Guyana Cracks Down on Guns [VIDEO After the Jump NSFW]

28 Now that Guyana's gun amnesty has lapsed, the government is cracking down on "those suspected of having illegal guns." What burden of proof do Guyanese police require to detain and interrogate citizens suspected of possessing illegal guns? Probably the...

Coalition to Stop Gun Violence: the NRA is A Terrorist Organization

Following the lead of New York Daily News' aptly named columnist Linda Stasi, The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence recently labelled the NRA a terrorist organization. I'm surprised it's taken the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV)...

Presidential Candidate Ben Carson Provides An Example of Person Who Shouldn’t Be Carrying a...

"Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson, in defending against criticisms of his relaxed demeanor on the campaign trail, opened up about his past 'volatile' behavior during an interview that aired Sunday," reports. "'I have...

Anti-Gun Rights Fudds Are Breaking Out All Over

A "Fudd" is a gun owner who supports "common sense" assaults on Americans' gun rights. Gun control advocates are a bit Fudd cwazy lately. Blame Bernie. Senator Sanders' support of the Firearms Owners Protection Act offered the inevitable Hillary...

Everytown for Gun Safety Spent $36m on Gun Control Lobbying in 2013

U.S. News' headline above an AP report on Everytown for Gun Safety: Backed by activist moms and Bloomberg's money, gun-safety group expands influence in states. The article regurgitates Everytown's spin on their progress (or lack thereof) degrading and destroying...

The Culture War On Guns Is Back…And It’s Bad!

57 What If We Made Gun Culture Uncool Like We Did Cigarettes? the headline at asks. As you can see from the 1995 video above - featuring the future Attorney General of the United...

The Washington Post: Most Americans are wrong about whether concealed carry makes us...

According to a Gallup poll, most people feel that the United States would be safer if more Americans carried a concealed weapon (presumed to be a firearm). "Safer" was the more popular choice by a significant margin:...

What’s Wrong with Universal Background Checks? This is What’s Wrong with Universal Background Checks.

Yesterday our question of the day was a request from a reader who intended to make his weekend hackathon project the creation of a system that would "allow for 'universal' background checks, while protecting...

Quote of the Day: Bad Landing, Wrong Airport Edition

"Because the vast majority of mass shooters possess and use large capacity magazines to kill and maim innocent people, laws like this are critical to safeguard our city’s residents." - Los Angeles City Councilman Paul...

Maine Secretary of State Unveils Petition to Eliminate Private Firearm Sales (a.k.a., Universal Background...

The Secretary of State in Maine has approved the following petition for the elimination of private sales of firearms in the Pine Tree State. Of course that's not what it's proponents are saying, but...

“So What We Need is Jesus and The Gospel And a Sidearm” [VIDEO]

91 When I lived in England, the UK media portrayed America as a freak show. A land of morons (Bush is a cowboy!), religious zealots (Mormons with multiple wives!) and gun nuts (AR-armed militia men on the border!). I reckon they'd...

New York Times Highlights Baltimore Police’s Epic Fail

Fragile Baltimore Struggles to Heal After Deadly Police Encounter the New York Times headline proclaims. As you can see from our headline, the story offers some hard data in addition to its touchy-feely examination...