Question of the Day: Why Does the Media Demonize Guns But Not Knives?

Over at The Truth About Knives we're reporting on Paris Jackson's suicide attempt. Early reports say that the pop star's daughter tried to remove herself from the gene pool via pills and a kitchen knife....

NYT to CT Gunmakers: FOAD

  "On average, 196 people are shot in this country each day and survive while 86 die from gunfire, 51 in suicides, all made easier by the easy accessibility of weapons." Surprise! The New York...

Note to VPC Wanne-Be’s: “Gun Deaths” Includes Suicides

The Violence Policy Center (VPC) is nothing if not clever. For one thing, they call themselves the Violence Policy Center not the Crusade for Civilian Disarmament. When it comes to feeding context-less stats and half-truths...

What’s Wrong With This Picture: A Conspiracy of Dunces Edition

32 As a former videotape editor for CNN, I know how to make a "news package." It's an industrial process. Meat (fires and fatalities) goes in one end, sausage (2:30 news stories) comes out the...

NSSF Slams New York Times Gunmaker Hit Job

National Shooting Sports Foundation Veep Larry Keane writes: Given they have a little patience and no deadline, it is not generally difficult for journalists to go in search of and then to find selective statements...

Oregon Cops Stop School Bombing, May Increase Pressure for Gunpowder Regulation

26 Anyone who has actually analyzed a school massacre scenario knows that guns aren't the way to inflict the maximum number of casualties. But a bomb is. And it looks like one Oregon teenager figured...

Remember, Cool Cat Loves You!

23 Darn it, you can always count on that little bastard Butch the Bully to do the wrong thing. At least that's what we've gleaned from "Cool Cat Finds a Gun" and the other samples...

Massive Pro-Gun Rally in Albany, MSM Ignores

This was the scene yesterday, where thousands of pro-Second Amendment New Yorkers descended on Albany to make their voices heard in opposition of the SAFE Act that was rammed through the legislature and signed...

Ad Campaign Compares Gun Control to Gay Marriage, Enrages Hippies

When it comes to which amendments in the Bill of Rights modern liberals support, they're highly selective. All rights are equal, but some are more equal than others. Especially when they involve scary guns,...

Disarmers Begin to Realize What Obama’s Scandals Mean for Gun Control’s Prospects

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Get More: Daily Show Full Episodes,Indecision Political Humor,The Daily Show on Facebook Ruh roh. You know it's getting bad out there when Jon Stewart, one of the premier forgers of...

Rep. Ed Markey Threatens Gabriel Gomez. Where’s the Outrage?

43 Haven't politicians learned anything from the Gabrielle Giffords shooting? It all seemed so obvious in the aftermath of her shooting that the reason Jared Lee Loughner pulled the trigger was because Sarah Palin put...

Defensive Gun Use of the Day: AP Happenstance Edition

With all this hand-wringing about the DOJ secretly seizing the Associated Press' phone records, the fact that the AP isn't exactly pro-2A hasn't escape our attention. To wit : "Police say a carjacking suspect armed...