In United States, Government Fear You

That's the idea, anyway. Or was, 230-something years ago. Only that all-American take on the over-used Soviet jokes has become less and less true over the last fifty years as the size and scope...

U.K. Police To Test Blinding Laser For Crowd Control

It may look like one, but this crude graphic (courtesy of the venerable Beeb) does not depict a scoped bullpup bipod-mounted can of ultra-pasteurized whipped cream.  It's actually a very crude CGI illustration of...

CNN interviews Virginia Citizens Defense League’s Philip Van Cleave about Carry on Campus

13 I never really liked Ali Velshi, specifically because he never allows anyone to finish their point before jumping in with another question or trying to throw them off. But Philip seems to hold his...

Will You Give a Misunderstood Gun a Good Home?


Quote of the Day: Inadvertent Truth Edition

Via comes this bit of uncharacteristic candor from a Chicago machine drone, Alderman Ariel Reboyras, regarding a city council proposal to hit anyone carrying a gun within 500 feet of a school or...

“I would like strict gun control which wouldn’t impact on your lives much at...

Well that’s part of the problem, Mike...the definitions you are using. I often say that the devil is in the details and those particular details can get very devilish. When you couple the vague mental...

OMG, OMG, OMG…It’s Not a Toy Gun!

Awww, aren't hoplophobic geeks precious? The only problem is, even when they're all grown up, have moved out of mom's basement and are out on their own, they're still a-skeerd of guns. Gizmodo's Andrew...

DC Residents Can Haz Handguns?

Sure, the Heller decision meant that DC residents can now legally own a handgun. Technically. Practically, though, the city has erected as many hurdles to gun ownership as the town's overseers' furtive, bureaucratic minds...

Quote of the Day: Ringo Starr Edition

“I can’t stand up and dictate to the world it’s over; no more guns. I can just do what I do, and there’s another side to the story which is peace and love.” Ringo Starr,...

Bersa Enters the Small Plastic 9 Market with the BP9CC

Can't you just feel the anticipation? We're getting closer and closer to the most wonderful time of the year. Yeah, it's not that peace on earth, good will to men thing. It's the pre-SHOT...

Quote of the Day: Prepared, Paranoid or Both Edition

"If you have an attic, you have a snipers nest. Become familiar with your attic. If you don’t have a window in your attic, make one. The view that it will provide you of...

CBS Breaks Media Silence About U.S. Gun Sales “Seepage” to Mexican Cartels

 This isn't an ATF Death Watch post because the ATF had nothing to do with the official sales of fully automatic firearms, grenades, grenade launchers, millions of rounds of ammo and sundry weaponry to...