Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Kevin Sanfeliz

YouTube has come to the rescue of more gun owners than all the gunsmiths the world has ever known. Can't remember how to take the Henry lever action down that's been in the back...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Jose Santiago Amaya

It appears that Jose Amaya never really grasped the whole be-sure-of-your-target-and-what's-beyond-it concept. He seems to have no hesitation whatsoever about letting bullets fly in inappropriate areas. Areas like the inside of his home. And...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Yasser Lopez

We's hard to even look at that x-ray. But that's what can happen when you don't pay attention to muzzle discipline when you're loading your spear gun. Not that we've ever loaded a...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Unidentified HVAC Tech

We've never been fans of Mexican carry for a lot of reasons. Even if we loaded up on enough Xanax to get past the whole gun-pointed-at-gentalia thing, there's the unprotected trigger issue. So when...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Ray Dolin

8 It can't be easy to get your book noticed these days. Anyone and his brother can slap something together and get it "published" via ebook or direct download. The trick is to differentiate it....

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Chief Walt Sandford

We've been accused of looking for examples of police misconduct and gunhandling faux pas 'cause we're anti-cop. We don't. And we're not. Really. We comb the Intertubes daily looking for interesting gun fodder. And...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Israel Torres

39 One would think it wouldn't be necessary to point out what a problematic combination guns and alcohol make. And for the most part, it isn't. But in any free society, the vast majority will...

Cautionary Tale of the Day: Michael Craig

Think it can't happen to you? Guess what - it can. Get the neurons and synapses confused with things other than the task immediately at hand and it won't matter how many certifications or...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Botetourt County Man

Who says guys can't be bothered to stop and ask for directions? Or fix things when they break? Or read instruction manuals? Bunch of sexist blather, am I right? Case in point: here's a...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Queshawn King

Have you seen those 'click it or ticket' commercials about cops looking for drivers not wearing seatbelts? Yep, they'll pull you over now for that one. Side benefit: it's another chance to check out...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Unidentified Decatur Man

As anyone who's experienced one will tell you (and tell you and tell you) a toothache can be downright maddening. If it's bad enough, you have little patience for waiting until a dentist can...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Officer William Owens [Not Shown]

Ah, the pride of ownership. Who hasn't brought home a new heater and wanted to show it off to everyone they know? Harrisburg, PA Officer William Owens (not pictured above) sure did. In fact,...