Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Dwain Haggard [not shown]

I was giving Mr Paper Target hell today when the chronologically-challenged gentleman in the lane next to me finally awoke from his stupor and fired his handgun. (And missed the target's center from five...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Douglas Boxler

OK, it's a bit of a stretch here. We don't actually know for sure that Mr. Boxler owns a gun. But he IS a cop. OK, a police lab technician. I think it's safe...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Dayton Officer James Hardin

Pity the poor policeman. No really. Not only do they have to respond to a huge variety of potentially dangerous situations, they have do so "by the book." The tome in question is thicker...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Unidentified Marine Vet

Here's a tip: when practicing loading and unloading your shotgun---an extremely worthwhile endeavor---ALWAYS USE DUMMY AMMUNITION. Not blanks. Dummies. The all-metal shells are cheap and largely non-lethal (they eject pretty damn fast). Otherwise, you...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Unnamed Nyssa (Idaho) Police Officer

"It's so easy to get complacent with our guns and with all of our firearms and so you know safety is important and always reminding ourselves to keep them safe, to keep them out...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Jaymanwashere

1 Coincidentally enough, the relevant part of this video occurs at :22. Clearly, the black woman firing this Walther is not the gun's owner. Clearly, the gun's owner did not tell the shooter the first...

How NOT to Teach Your Wife About Handguns

1 Not sure how much you need to say about a video like this, but I feel compelled to make the following observations... Don't try this at home. At least, don't try this at home if you...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Lorain County Sheriff’s Capt. John Reiber

Technically, the gun with which Lorain (Ohio) County Sheriff’s Capt. John Reiber shot himself isn't his. Or maybe it is, given that many wives ascribe to the old Russian theory of ownership (what's mine...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Bruce Lavallee-Davidson

Sex can be fun. Guns can be fun (true story). Sex with guns may be fun, for some. And I'm sure there's a website for that somewhere (no YOU Google it). But whether your...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Bonnie Gochenover

I would love to live in a state where you don't have to transport your guns in a locked container, and can go through a Drive-Thru Starbucks during either the outbound or return journey...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Ralph Ronzino

"Investigators think Mckenzie Smith, 2, shot herself in the abdomen Friday morning after finding a semi-automatic handgun on a nightstand in her mother's bedroom," reports from Tampa. "Mckenzie, who underwent surgery...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Potato Gun Boy

0 When minors have gun accidents (yes a potato gun is a gun), the police usually withhold the name of the injured child. Strangely, his cohorts in irresponsibility often get their names in lights. Well,...