How to Alienate Friends and Influence Banning.

Ah, crap. Just when we thought things were settling down around here, the TTAG Fire Department gets another 911 call to go put out some flames. And potentially, evict some arsonists from our happy...

TTAG Technical Difficulties

TTAG went a bit loopy for a few hours. Our software directed aspiring commentators to the TTAG store, instead of allowing their thoughts to disseminate amongst our Armed Intelligentsia. I assure you this was...

TTAG Limited Edition Founder’s T-Shirt Now Available

Okay, campers, our long-promised, long-awaited TShirts, caps (and soon-to-be-available other goodies) are finally online and ready for your credit card purchases. Click here for the TTAG Store. Don't hold back. Tell us what you think. Even...

LUCID Dream: World’s First Variable Red Dot Sight Magnifier

Press release: "Now available to shooting enthusiasts, law enforcement personnel and other armed professionals, the LUCID variable (2X - 5X) red dot magnifier will allow for the flexibility to better adapt to the shooting situation...

TTAG APB: Calling All Johnsons! So to Speak

I’d never heard the term “Sweet FA” until reading several of RF’s posts. So I looked it up.  Disturbing . . . Acronyms and jargon fill the pages here at TTAG; I often find myself in research...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day; Christopher Baldridge

Bringing a loaded gun into an airport is the social equivalent of taking your mom to junior prom. It's a bad choice and it doesn't end well for anyone. Apparently Chris didn't get the...

And Another Tr0ll Bites the Dust.

Up until today, The Truth About Guns has only had to ban one tr0ll from our site. At the time, we really thought we'd be able to get through life without banning anyone, but...

TTAG Traffic Still Upward Bound

According to Google Analytics, The Truth About Guns (TTAG) has dropped about 7000 unique viewers per month. We're down from last month's peak of 200k-and-a-bit. More specifically, as of 4:27 pm, we're generating 193,247...

TTAG APB: Help Us Design Our “Big Bang” Awards

The Truth About Guns is proud to pre-announce its annual "Big Bang" awards, scheduled for October 2011. It's your basic "best" award, recognizing the firearms and firearms accessories industry for its product achievements. First,...

TTAG APB: We Need A Hunting Writer

A member of TTAG's Armed Intelligentsia emailed me today. He highlighted an editorial blind spot of which I've been shamefully, painfully aware. "I enjoy reading TTAG as much as TTAC. But I have to...

TTAG Nominated for a Phallic Award (a.k.a. a “Gunnie”)

No, we haven't been nominated for an award for our phallus. I refer to the statuette Lucky Gunner will bestow upon us should a sufficient number of readers vote us "Best Gun Blog...

The Truth About The Truth About Guns: Q1 2011

Just as I was tucking into my dessert, my phone started vibrating. It was RF, our fearless leader, asking me to do something for him. He wanted me to give the site's statistics a...