John Cornyn

Cornyn’s Folly: Garland DOJ Using BSCA Federal Funds to ‘Strong-Arm’ States Into Enacting Red...

In 2022, Congress passed, and President Biden signed, the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act in response to mass shootings in Buffalo, New York, and Uvalde, Texas, that left dozens dead. The law incentivizes states to pass...
San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo

San Jose’s Gun Owner Insurance Mandate Was Nothing More Than Political Theater

San Jose’s gun liability insurance requirement — the first-of-its-kind in America and upheld by a federal court judge last week — will make the city safer from the firearm-related violence that has wreaked havoc across the nation, its...

The ATF Demonstrates How Not to Handle a Firearm on Twitter

The ATF Austin Office out on the range today with special guests from our local U.S. Attorneys' Offices. — ATF Houston (@ATFHou) July 19, 2023 A field division of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms...
Big Tech google facebook twitter

FBI Monitoring Gun Owners Who Sell Firearms Via Facebook

A Texas man who posted on Facebook that he was selling his own guns was placed under warrantless surveillance by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). The ATF investigated the man,...
mass shooting vigil problem is guns

FBI ‘Still Analyzing’ Another Killer’s Manifesto The Public Will Likely Never See

The gunman who opened fire during a Lunar New Year celebration near Los Angeles in January, killing 11 people and injuring others, sent writings to law enforcement, according to Los Angeles County Sheriff Robert Luna. When asked whether...

Two Dead In Chicago Despite a Protection Order Because the System Can’t Confiscate Enough...

In Cook County alone, there are about 731,000 FOID card holders. Of those, more than 37,000 have been revoked. Of those revoked, 74%, or roughly 27,000, are noncompliant, meaning they likely still have their...
David Hogg

David Hogg Joined the Harvard Shooting Club to, You Know, Find the Nuance in...

The reality is, right now, I'd rather focus on what we can agree on, which is that, you know, we need to do something. We need to act. And we agree that gun violence,...
Jason Aldean

A Day Ending in ‘Y’: Shannon Watts OUTRAGED Over New Jason Aldean Music Video

NEW: Country Music Television has pulled Jason Aldean’s music video ‘Try That In A Small Town’ in response to media outrage. In the music video, Aldean calls out left-wing violence, specifically violence against law enforcement. Apparently...
Portland police protest black lives matter defund police

Cassell: BLM and Defunding Police Have Killed More People Than Cops Ever Did

It is well known that there were significant spikes in homicides in 2020, particularly in major urban areas. In an article I published in 2021, I attributed these spikes to what I dubbed the "Minneapolis...
ware police department

Ware, Mass Police Raise the Alarm on HD 4420, a ‘Travesty’ of a Gun...

The Ware Police Department would like to bring an important matter to your attention: the proposed anti-gun Bill currently under consideration (HD 4420, An Act Modernizing Firearms Laws). We understand that this state-level legislation...

Lott: Banning Guns is a Sure Way to Increase Homicide Rates

Banning guns might reduce firearm suicides and cases of self-defense, but it won’t reduce firearm murders. Indeed, a ban on guns, even a handgun ban like the ones we’ve seen in Washington and Chicago, inevitably...

OFF: Oregon 114 Violates the Second Amendment and a Basic Understanding of the English...

...Judge Karin Immergut ruled against gun owners, the Second Amendment and a basic understanding of the English language and ruled that Ballot Measure 114 is just fine. The decision is 122 pages and we just...