The Gun Safety Song – As a Nursery Rhyme

16 As the YouTube description informs us, "This is the guitar version of The Gun Safety Nursery Rhyme by Jordan Winkler (a.k.a. FX Hummel). His version can be found here" Just so no one gets...

Question of the Day: What’s Your Star Wars Gun-Related Takeaway?

I thought The Force Awakens was a supremely silly movie. SPOILER ALERT! I reckon The Force Awakens was the first episode remade with new characters playing the old characters - with the old ones playing the old...

Question of the Day: What Kind of Firearms TV Show Would You Like to...

85 I'd watch The Gunfather - if my Time Warner sub included The Outdoor Channel and I wasn't binge-watching The Black List on Netflix (where bad guys die silently from one shot). As the show enters into its...

Toy Industry Association Reaffirms Statement on Toy Guns and Violence

27 Official statement: The Toy Industry Association (TIA) and its members are proud of the important, life-shaping role that toys, games and play have in the development and growth of children.  Toys themselves do not promote...

Jerry Miculek IS Han Solo

28 Jerry Miculek is to performance shooting what C3PO is to gay robots. The sine qua non. Devotees of the Star Wars franchise will recognize the gun in this video as Han Solo's Mauser-inspired blaster. ...

An Interview With Brad Taylor, Author of the Pike Logan, Taskforce Thriller Series

Back in August, I had just finished reading the latest novel in the Pike Logan thriller series, The Insider Threat, when I posted here about how it prominently featured a GEMTECH-suppressed PWS MK109 SBR in .300...

Why Cant They Just Leave Apple Alone? (iPad vs Attack Helicopter)

24 Wassup with shooting up Apple products? Surely the company's rep for smarminess doesn't justify this relentless ballistic assault on their defenseless electronic products. Alternatively, yes. Yes it does. But you know what? I'm bored with...

Movie Review: Spectre

By BK One of the (few) downsides of being a member of the Armed Intelligencia is that you tend to see through so many of Hollywood's tricks and tropes. Once you begin your ride as...

Anti-Gun Rights Comedienne Amy Schumer Gets Hot and Bothered by Imaginary Zombie Shoot-Out

According to, comedienne Amy Schemer dreams dreams of "legislation that would expand background checks, including ending a loophole in which firearms can be purchased at gun shows and online without such initial checks."...

.50-Caliber Desert Eagle Vs. a Frozen Turkey

13 I don't like turkey much. But I don't dislike it enough to shoot it with a Desert Eagle. And as a Jew, I always hate to see food go to waste. Still, 'tis the...

Which is Faster: DetCord or a .50 Caliber Bullet?

20 This is not a question that's been vexing me lately. Well, ever. But I'm a big fan of doing stupid things scientifically in the pursuit of facts with no appreciable utility. Call it...

FPSRussia Shoots A House [VIDEO]

22 Yeah, he blows-up the house. A bit. Yawn. Unless the structure is reduced to rubble, I'm not impressed. I am delighted, however, that FPS decided to sit in the garage in an APC while...