Jerry Miculek is to performance shooting what C3PO is to gay robots. The sine qua non. Devotees of the Star Wars franchise will recognize the gun in this video as Han Solo’s Mauser-inspired blaster. [Click here for the latest batch of Star Wars guns and their real-world inspiration, as ID’ed by our Armed Intelligentsia.] As the YouTube caption informs, “Jerry sets out to prove himself as the fastest shooter in the Galaxy, by shooting 2 of only 3 working blasters in the world.” What are the odds? Here’s hoping Han and his hirsute pal “get some.” And Jerry, please contact us about appearing at next year’s Texas Firearms Festival at a gun range in a galaxy far, far away. [h/t TP]


  1. Jerry is not Han Solo-he’s REAL. I am continually stunned as he is a similar age to me and doesn’t appear to slow down-ANY other strenuous sport come to mind where 60something guys compete one on one with 20year olds???

  2. I very much look up to Jerry as the guy who showed me how useful and how much fun a wheel gun can be. That and his videos are an easy pick me up almost every day. Can’t be upset when you see someone having that much fun with a gun.

    • Jerry has the life. Free Ammo, all the toys. Maintains humor throughout. And is a teacher of all things firearms. What. 500 yds with a 9mm? Why not.

      He’s a great American.

      And yes he hit it.

      Made me smile. Thanks.
      Oh and Merry Christmas to the TTAG group just in case anyone might be offended.

  3. You say “working blasters”, I say “old guns with a bunch of shit glued to them”…

    The “Jerry Shot First” shirts are redundant. Nobody’s faster than Jerry, so of course he shot first.

    Lastly, am I the only one who thought the Darth Vader dude looked like a midget when he showed up at the 5:00 mark? Freaky.

    • Wow, that’s harsh. I just watched a super-fun video that was completely free. I have a suspicion I might like it more than the movie, where tickets will be $12 each and a 1/2 gallon soda will run $5-6.

      • I had fun watching it, too. I love Jerry. But come on, a “working blaster” should be shooting some kind of energy beam out the front. These are just bubba’d C96’s.

        And that Darth has some short-ass arms.

  4. Did anyone else notice that in that Charlie’s Angels pose of Han Solo, Harrison Ford had the hammer cocked? Why would BlasTech put a hammer on a blaster pistol?

    • Why a scope? Why do the battle droids carry blasters instead of just having them built in? Why does every machine make noise in the vacuum of space except Jango Fett’s sonic bombs? WHAT IF THOR FOUGHT THE EMPEROR? WHO WOULD WIN?

      • One of the happier moments of my life was when, while a bunch of 10 year old boys were asking each other “who would win” comic book hero questions, my 7 year old daughter interrupted with a cold, hateful one liner “I would win.”
        “No, like Batman or Superman, who would win?”
        “I would win.”
        And she was sure of it.

        • I like that. When my son was about three, he was playing in the living room with Sesame Street on in the background and I heard a certain annoying little Muppet start to sing — followed immediately by “No, Elmo, it’s MY world!” But I think your kid did mine one better.

  5. OK, since Jerry was so good as to supply some great footage of the C96 action, here’s some things to observe:

    1. For any gun control advocates watching: See how he reloaded the pistol’s blind magazine? THAT was a “clip.” That’s called a “stripper clip” and that’s how you can reload a firearm without a fixed magazine quickly. They’re pud-easy to make if you have a sheet metal brake or a press & die. The boxes you want to ban that contain ‘n’ rounds of ammo are not ‘clips’. They’re magazines. NB how this method of recharging the magazine takes no time at all… and then think how silly you’re going to look by banning magazines and causing the market to merely revert back to stripper clips, with no change in outcomes.

    2. Gun folks – pay attention to how the C96 action works. Now observe how a Browning Auto-5 works. I’ll wager that JMB had a look at the Mauser at least once and had an ‘ah-ha!’ moment there. Then look at how the M-2 HMG cycles. You can see the idea from the Mauser C96 percolate through firearms history there. You can see a spin-off of the idea in the Luger, where the toggle action is thrown open by the sliding barrel as well, but that’s a bit more complicated than just tossing the breech block rearwards.

  6. I got a bar of gold pressed latinum says Jerry can shoot Han Solo’s blaster out of his hand before Han can blink.

  7. Thanks, Jerry – now I feel a LOT better about my re-imported from China Broomhandle that was converted from .30 Mauser to 9mm. Compared to Jerry’s blaster, mine is an “unmodified original.”

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