Introduction of Tasers to Police Hasn’t Decreased Use of Firearms in Australia: Duh!

There's a news report this morning in the Sydney Morning Herald that despite Tasers being issued to their police forces the police are still drawing their sidearms at the same rate. While I would...

H.R. 822 = “Guns, Guns for Everyone” If Only.

Columnist Sally Kalson of Pittsburgh's has a bone to pick with supporters of H.R. 822, the “National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act of 2011." Ms. K's galled by the federal legislation's goal: directing all...

Annals of Gun Control: David Laffer and Hindsight

Let the recriminations begin! Traditional media column inches would likely be cut at least in half if they were somehow prohibited from printing the results of their uncannily accurate hindsight-enabled analyses. The latest target...

Question of the Day: More Guns, Less Crime?

Yesterday, I spotted a story about 36 people wiped out in a Barundi bar by gunmen. I found the story in my local newspaper after the want ads, tucked comfortably into the very back...

Mainstream Media Gun Cluelessness of the Day: Stock Photo Edition

This lulz-worthy photo appears next to the Syracuse Post Standard's on-line editorial opposing national concealed carry reciprocity. According to the leading lights of, it's an "alarming proposal." No shock there, but let's focus on...

Top Shot Cameraman doing Q&A Session. Possibly. Maybe.

There's this website called Reddit. At that website is a special section where people who have done interesting things let people ask them questions, and the interesting person eventually responds. It's a great way...

New York Times: Supreme Court “Misread” The Second Amendment

 The New York Times hates guns. And the causes of guns. Like the Second Amendment, whose assertion of Americans' right to keep and bear arms strikes them as a typo of some sort. Their...

Bloomberg Writer Perjures Himself to “Expose” FL Carry Permits

  In an overview of the whole out-of-state concealed carry permit thing (H.R.822), Bloomberg scribe John Crewdson applies for---and receives---a Florida license to carry. It's a scandal! "Florida, which granted my permit after I viewed...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Unnamed Harmony, IN Teen

Alternate title: Teen Killed While Acting Like Jackass With Gun. I'm sorry, was that too clear and explanatory a title for you? Because that's what happened to a 16 year-old from Harmony, Indiana yesterday....

Question of the Day: Do You Adjust Concealed Carry to Perceived Threat Level?

41 Over at, writer Guy Sagi reveals that he's upping his ammo count this weekend. Maybe. "I carry two spare magazines for my primary concealment gun, a Wilson Combat CQB Elite. This weekend when I’m out...

Book Review: Left Turn

What if you had the power to change history? What if you could influence the future? How 'bout an election or two? Let's assume that's possible for the nonce. Would you use that power...

The Campaign for Real Music in Shooting Videos

29 What IS it with shooting videos and crap music? It's either generic death thrash chain speed rottweiler metal or synthdiscoelvatorsomamuzak. I know! Let's ask YouTube! "If you use an audio track of a sound...