Chicago tribune anti-gun

Anti-Gun Media Slant: ‘Man Shot by Concealed Carrier Dies!’

Want to paint a story about a licensed concealed carrier successfully defending himself in the most negative light possible? Easy. Be a big city newspaper editor. They're the ones who write the titles for...

’60 Minutes’ on the Mass Shooter’s ‘Weapon of Choice’ … Again

It's summer, when network TV ratings traditionally dip. Add to that the fact that we're heading into a campaign year (the first Democrat presidential debates take place this week), so the producers of CBS's...

AP Can’t Put a Finger on the Reason for the Spike in Shootings and...

The following story on the spike in shootings and firearms-related murders from the Associated Press is 984 words long. Yet if you run a CTRL-F, you'll find that nowhere in the story do the...
Gunsite Academy Training Class

The Latest Cause for Deep Media Concern: Responsible Firearms Training

For decades, the gun control industry has preached that all gun owners must be trained, preferably as a prerequisite to owning a firearm. If they had their way, we'd have a law mandating long,...

Facebook Ignores Actual Gun Safety in Favor Of Scoring Political Points

By Larry Keane Facebook decided – in the name of safety – that they would ban any ads for “accessories such as gun safes, vests and gun holsters in the US,” according to a blog post posted...

Field & Stream: We Don’t Tell the Truth About Rifles

I know: it's one thing for Field & Stream to kow-tow to gun manufacturers by sending back defective or just plain awful test rifles. It's another to actually admit it in print. Pixels. Whatever....

Mainstream Media Gun Cluelessness of the Day: Stock Photo Edition

This lulz-worthy photo appears next to the Syracuse Post Standard's on-line editorial opposing national concealed carry reciprocity. According to the leading lights of, it's an "alarming proposal." No shock there, but let's focus on...

JAMA: Stray Bullet Shootings in the United States

When I teach people about firearms safety, I always take the time to stress the importance of Rule #4. The first three are immediately applicable to keeping your own blood on the inside, but...

Edward Wasserman: “Impossible to Imagine Aurora without Hollywood”

  Quick note: I don't make this stuff up. Day after day, month after month, I click onto anti-gun screeds that make no sense whatsoever. The overarching theme is unmistakable: anything that "allows" civilian gun...

Scientific American’s Unscientific, Poorly Researched Anti-Gun Article

  I like SciAm. It's a great science-related magazine, and does the nerdy stuff very well. But it starts to fall apart when it tries to enter the political realm. For example, they published an...

It Should Have Been A Defensive Gun Use: This is Why Blind People’s Right...

29 When Piers Morgan heard that Iowa issues concealed carry permit to legally blind citizens, the lame duck CNN talk show host was apoplectic. He used the blind people with a gun? meme to beat...