Bank of American to Spirit Arms Gun Dealer: FOAD

  You may recall that McMillan Arms had a parting of the way (to put in mildly) with the Bank of America back in April of 2012. Since then we've heard other stories of BofA's anti-firearms...

Tax Guns?

Scott A. Hodge  doesn't have a strong opinion on the NRA’s post-Sandy Hook recommendation to put cops into every school in the country. Hodge's only concern: who's going to pay for it? If nothing...

Gun Ban Bills Are Breaking Out All Over

The outrage surrounding the New York Journal News' decision to publish an interactive map with the names and addresses of pistol permit holders wasn't enough to put off anti-gun Connecticut officials. "The names and...

TTAG Daily Digest: Crazy Is As Crazy Does Edition

Good news Marylanders! There's no need to be crabby about mass shootings any more. A Maryland task force on the subject has determined that "there are ways to limit access to firearms by people...

Sandy Hook Backlash Grows

"The police chief in a Connecticut city  halted permits for gun shows, saying he's concerned any firearms purchased there might one day be used in a mass shooting."'s report is hardly an isolated...

Calling All Pro-2A Attorneys!

While 10,000 lawyers at the bottom of the sea is usually considered a good start, TTAG's Armed Intelligentsia know that not all members of the bar would serve society best as boat anchors. People...

Incendiary Image of the Day: An Open Invitation Edition

The fight for gun rights is a culture war. The People of the Gun believe in self-reliance, preparedness and situational awareness. The Gun Grabbers believe in cooperation, social control and denial. Yes, the above...

TTAG Daily Digest: Sam Harris is Seriously Misguided on the Issue of Gun Rights...

  "A renewed ban on “assault rifles”—nearly the only concrete measure that anyone is talking about—will do very little to make our society safer," Sam Harris writes, after eviscerating the logic underpinning an assault weapons...

Armed Citizens In Schools: Policies and Procedures

It's a mistake to designate anyplace a “gun free zone.” Mass murderers, somehow motivated to achieve the dubious “glory” they've read about in previous shootings, are drawn to places where the likelihood of meeting...

Belleville, IL Cops Boycott Denny’s

It's not exactly news that gun owners have a tough row to hoe in the Land of Lincoln. But cops, too? reports that "Belleville Police Capt. Don Sax said five on-duty detectives were...

Coming Soon: Rimfire Nation?

  Tyler and I were recently kvetching on Google Chat about the new price of magazines (bad) and the sudden unavailability of ammo (even worse.) The coolest AR race gun I've ever seen is currently...

“Gun Control” Interest Back to Pre-Newtown Levels

  Nothing lasts forever. Especially in the world of 24 hour cable news, stories fall off the radar faster than free cupcakes disappear at my day job. As for "gun control" being a topic in...