The Definition of a Crime Gun

Let's be clear about this: the Washington Post and the mainstream media have not been clear about the definition of a "crime gun." And yet a proper explanation of the term is crucial to...

Washington Post Renews Its Attack on Realco Guns

And there I was thinking that the Washington Post had spent all it ammo against gun dealers whose sales were tied to criminal activity. This morning the WaPo unleashed a fresh salvo, taking their...

Mexican Children Get Firearms Response Training

0 And the good news is . . . the drills may save lives. (Eyeore seems to have forgotten that bit.)

Book Review: “The Gun” by C.J. Chivers

To some people, history is a big, indigestible lump. When you consider that "history" can be loosely defined as "everything that happened to everyone, everywhere, since the beginning of time" it's easy to...

Anti-Assault Rifle Agit-Prop On the Rise

I have no statistical basis for making that conclusion. For all I know, there's never been less agitation to ban assault rifles in the United States than right now. Which would mean that the article...

NRA Jefe to Mexican Ambassador: Mind Your Own Business

0 Recently, the Mexican Ambassador to the United States told the Council of Foreign Relations in New York that the National Rifle Association (NRA) should combat U.S. to Mexico gun-running by . . . sounding the...

Jonathan Capehart Dumbstruck by NYC Gun Crime Stats

Jonathan Capehart writes for the Washington Post. He's black. So he can write about minority issues without fear of minorities taking him to task for not being sympathetic to minorities. Because he is one....

Browning Hi-Point: Death by Tabletop Review

5 I know nutnfancy's tabletop reviews have had more hits than Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes (go ask grandpa). And I don't disagree with anything The Late Boy Scout says about the Browning Hi-Point...

Gun Media Sleepwalking on Sleepwalking Story

I was at CNN on day one, when The Mouth from the South flicked the switch. At the time, the channel had more newsroom employees than viewers. Now, thanks to the Internet, everyone's a...

“The Rent is Too Damn High”: The Klan Sodomized Me With A Rifle

Yup, it's one of those days. Still, ours is not to question why. Not to go all anatomical on you, ours is to keep you abreast of the latest firearms-related news. Deep breath. The...

ANSCHÜTZ Slams Electronic Safety “Rumors”

A lot of big companies don't get the Internet. They fail to understand that the net's not a newspaper. Information isn't fixed in time. It's continually processed; subjected to debate, interpretation and revision. It...