Discovery Channel “Kidnap and Rescue” Tomorrow, 9pm


Scientific American: Socialism Stops Gun Deaths

It's not very scientific and it sure ain't American. But John Horgan at just up and goes for it in a rant entitled A modest proposal for curbing homicides: Socialism. Well, not at first....

Gun Owners! NPR Wants YOU! Or Not

Dear Mr. Farago: I work for the NPR program On Point with Tom Ashbrook and I'm writing to ask if any of's contributors would be able to speak as a guest on Monday, January...

Baum Blasts Times’ Temerity

Not to pick unduly on The New York Times, but its editorial of 11 January, referring to “the visceral evidence that the groups have made the country a far more dangerous place,” is beneath the dignity...

Richard Cohen: “It’s the gun that did it.”

Wooly Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen weighed in on the Tucson shooting that resulted in the death of U.S. District Judge John Roll and five others during a botched assassination attempt of Rep. Gabby...

Free Barrett .50 Caliber Rifle When You Buy a Viper ACR

Make that a free Barrett sniper rifle "if" you buy a Dodge Viper SRT10 ACR. I would NOT recommend it. It's loud, hot and inherently dangerous. The car that is. The rifle's a big...

Gabe Suarez Calls TTAG “fagsaboutguns”

After our post Gabe Suarez is Insane questioned the trainer's suggestion that there may be times when it's advisable to hold an adversary at gunpoint with your finger on the trigger, the gun guru...

Question of the Day: Should the Media Show Gruesome Gun Gore?

4 In these days of dashcams and cell cams, more and more gun violence is caught on tape. Yet the mainstream media censors the resulting material to "spare" viewers ghastly images of gun gore. Why?...

Indianapolis Star: “Young people might become violent criminals only because of easy access to...

U.S. gun rights advocates are ascendent. While this summer's Supreme Court ruling incorporating the Second Amendment didn't settle the question---"reasonable restrictions" this you rat-fink robed reprobates--the Tea Party-strengthened regulatory roll-back continues. Needless to say, this...

Learn About Guns Blogger Opens Law Firm

2 is one of the most consistent gun blogs in the gunblogosphere. If there's a self-defense shooting in the news, LAG will blog it, no questions asked. Like, were there drugs involved? Or, should...

Josh Moon in Hot Water Over Registering Ammo Sales

Back on December 9, columnist Josh Moon responded to a spate of local gun violence. "The one common thread tying them all together is guns . . . There is no question that guns...

New York Times: Give the ATF More Power to Close Gun Dealers

2 'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the Times, not a Second Amendment supporter was stirring, not even a mouse . . . The Gray Lady's pre-Xmas ed At Last, a Border Crackdown...