“The controversy highlights the difficulty ATF agents face in complex cases against increasingly sophisticated...

This headline comes to us from the Washington Post. When the going gets tough, the tough let the bad guys smuggle thousands of guns into Mexico? Suffice it to say, I just threw up in...

Kel-Tec KSG: Caught in the Crossfire?

The other day, I took firearms photog Oleg Volk to task for mucho macho faux advertising. The image that preceded this one was accompanied by the text "If one 37mm hole doesn't stop the...

Fable Of The Mouse & The Big Horn Armory Model 89 Lever-Action Carbine

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puUVzyYhm-0 Big Horn Armory is going great guns. Not only do they have my order for a S&W500-firing Model 89, but they have another 2000 or so. They're expanding their facilities, buying equipment and hiring...

Editorial: The Truth About Gun Rights and Arab Unrest

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZfRaWAtBVg I have met gun owners from all walks of life: rich and poor; conservative and liberal; libertarians and libertines. I know of one who even likes to wear pink hats. While we may differ...

Colbert Report Pillories Ron Gould’s Gun Bill

The Colbert Report Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Mr. Smith Goes to the State Legislature, Then Later Possibly Washington - Ron Gould www.colbertnation.com http://media.mtvnservices.com/mgid:cms:item:comedycentral.com:374400 Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor & Satire Blog Video Archive

The Truth About Mexican Drug Cartels’ Arsenal: Follow the Grenades

The Gunwalker scandal proceeds apace. Senator Grassley's still fighting the Department of Justice for a full accounting of the ATF Gunrunner program. That's the anti-gun smuggling interdiction effort that allowed indeed enabled illegally-obtained weapons...

MikeB30200 Calls Armed Holocaust Survivor “Paranoid”

Here's a quote from the most recent JPFO posting, a Q&A with Rabbi Dvod Bendory, the organization's new leader: "One of my favorite students was an octogenarian Holocaust survivor who, in her words, 'is...

The Liberal Media vs. Wayne LaPierre: Who Gets the Last Word?

http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32545640 So a ban on high-capacity magazines would remove them from the face of the Earth. And Wayne LaPierre is guilty of being an accessory before the fact in the shooting of Congresswoman Gabriel Giffords....

Question of the Day: Will You Be Able to Think in A Gunfight?

Props to the straight man. Dean Martin. Moe. Bud Abbott. Without a great straight man, the funny guy isn't nearly so funny. Although the relationship between the two trainers at firearms.atactv.com is extremely tight, it must...

CJ Chivers on a Moral Dilemma That Isn’t

New York Times war correspondent CJ Chivers offers insights into the Afghanistan conflict that are uniquely perceptive. That said, his most recent dispatch left me thoroughly perplexed. "At 11:48 a.m., a fourth Afghan appeared, pedaling...

AOL Grabs Gun Grabbers, and Vice Versa

Now that Dan Baum has left the building (moron that later), I feel free to use the term "gun grabber." (Dan had threatened to de-bookmark us over the term.) Fox News (oh this IS...

WAVY to Expose Lax VA CCW Permits. Or Not.

http://www.wavy.com/video/videoplayer.swf?dppversion=7158 Gun control advocates argue that firearms are too dangerous for what Bill O'Reilly unctuously calls "the folks." The average Joe is too mentally unstable and, well, klutzy, to handle a handgun. The idea that someone...