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Next Post is one of the most consistent gun blogs in the gunblogosphere. If there’s a self-defense shooting in the news, LAG will blog it, no questions asked. Like, were there drugs involved? Or, should the shooter have tried something else first? Even so, I have nothing but admiration for Eric D. Puryear’s unrelenting determination to champion gun rights both on LAG and The Examiner. Since starting LAG, Puryear has qualified for the bar (mastering those bottle flips is a bitch) and now, opened his own law firm . . .

“As a gun rights proponent, I have an interest in self defense and its implications in criminal and civil matters, and plan to spend a good deal of time on that area of the law.” Woo-hoo! “Given my background in Computer Science and the time I spent at previous firms that focused on business law and other transactional matters, I may also spend more time in that area of law.” Noooooooooooo.

In fact, I found the idea of Puryear working on contract law so distressing that I reached out for reassurance. “I am looking for self-defense clients,” Puryear told me from his cell. I mean, mobile phone. “I’m registered in Illinois and Iowa but I could associate myself with another state’s lawyer if need be.”

Puryear reckons that it’s a good idea for a CCW holders in higher-risk occupations such as jewelry store owner or mob bag man (kidding, a bit) to tee-up a self-defense lawyer before bad things happen.

“Find a lawyer committed to armed self-defense . . . Ask him what is self-defense? You don’t want someone who treats it as a get out of jail free’ card. You want a lawyer who treats self-defense as a fundamental human right.”

Eric D. Puryear
Attorney at Law (IL & IA)
Puryear Law P.C.
3719 Bridge Ave # 6
Davenport, IA 52807
Phone: (309)644-4955
Email: [email protected]

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  1. “Learn to do right; seek justice, encourage the oppressed, defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow.”
    – The Song of Solomon – Isaiah 1:17

    Just don’t go broke doing it.
    – Ralph

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