Question of the Day: “How can a nation have a debate about gun violence...

Over at, Eric Boehert (above right) spends an entire column bitching and moaning about the lack of coverage given/not given a recent workplace shooting. Eric reckons the mainstream media owes it to America to report...

Robert Farago: Breaking the Establishment Media’s Stranglehold (Audio from GRPC 2012)

4 There are some things our glorious leader can do. Breaking the establishment media's stranglehold for one. But uploading an MP3 to the internet and getting it to play for all of you is not...

Gun Rights Policy Conference: Why Emily Miller Got Her Gun

11 OK, so we've got the tape of Emily Miller's speech at the Gun Rights Policy Conference. She provides insight into the beginning of her pro-gun rights odyssey (which includes the anti-Glock shock). While we're...

Glossy Gun Mag Reviews: Reading Between the Lines

So this week, the November issue of Guns & Ammo arrived on my doorstep. The cover photo was of SIG's Adaptive Carbine Platform (ACP). Given the fact that I reviewed it back in August,...

Fox News Airs Suicide on National Television

If there's anything that has come to define the state of modern mainstream news gathering it's tabloid TV. And many argue that it all started with that slow procession of the white Bronco down...

University of Colorado Profs Up in Arms About Armed Students

  You know the drill. Anti-gun laws are about to be rolled back. Gun control agitators predict blood in the streets. Human sacrifice. Dogs and cats living together. Mass hysteria! The left-leaning media takes the fear and...

Annotated: World’s Worst Anti-Gun Letter to the Editor

  Normally, I'd send a link to this pathetic anti-pistol polemic to TTAG's resident gungrabberdeconstructinator. Sculptor Tuck Langland's missive misses the mark on so many levels I reckon I'd unleash a Krafftian War and Peace. So here's...

Toronto Woman: Sex Boycott for Gun Guys

  "A Toronto woman hopes to curb gun violence by urging women to withhold sex from men who carry guns," reports. "Following the devastating Danzig Street shooting in July, Nicole Osbourne James started the blog, 'Got a...

What Does STRATFOR Have Against the Second Amendment?

  You may remember STRATFOR as the "global intelligence" service recently hacked by Anonymous. The electronic interlopers scarfed STRATFOR's customer list and all its internal emails (the most damning of which appeared on wikileaks). As...

Statement from RECOIL on Jerry Tsai’s Resignation

Source Interlink Media (SIM) today announced it had accepted the resignation of Recoil editor Jerry Tsai. Mr. Tsai will leave Recoil effective immediately. SIM, a leading men’s interest media company, will continue to publish Recoil, a gun lifestyle magazine that has...

Jerry Tsai Resigns from RECOIL Magazine

From RECOIL's website: It is with deep sorrow that I announce I am stepping down as editor of Recoil, effective immediately. It is very difficult for me to walk away from something I helped create, something that...

Rob Pincus: The Real Meaning of Jerry Tsai’s Resignation from RECOIL

Jerry Tsai has stepped down as editor of RECOIL. The debate surrounding Tsai's pre-resignation statements---and all the conversations that will be had about RECOIL in the near and (possibly) distant future---shouldn't be about one man's opinions....