NSSF: Majority of New Gun Buyers Choose Handguns, Cite Home Defense as Reason

From time to time, the NSSF releases reports about various aspects of the gun industry. These surveys give us an interesting glimpse into what's driving the firearms industry, and what kinds of guns people...

Is This What Passes for Feminism These Days?

By Jessi J. While surfing the internet at work this morning, my husband ran across a blog with a post so… um. ..interesting that he emailed me the link and accompanied it with a note:...
Gun Review: SCCY CPX-2 9mm Concealed Carry Pistol

Gun Review: SCCY CPX-2 9mm Pistol [Updated 2018]

SCCY CPX-2 Gun Review The largest growth segment in the already hot firearms market is in concealed carry handguns and sub-compacts. A carry pistol is frequently the number one purchase for new gun owners: a...

Incendiary Image of the Day: Aaron Hernandez Selfie Edition

After a long dance with investigators, New England Patriots tight end Aaron Hernandez was finally arrested yesterday for the murder (1st degree) of Odin Lloyd. He's since plead not guilty to that, as well...

Question of the Day: How Important Are Sights for Self-Defense?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVDoWiK1enM Nice group. Only the camera was focused on the target, not the shooter. If you're in a isosceles stance using a proper grip and practicing rigorous trigger technique you should get a tight group with...

George Zimmerman’s Gun

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJrNycY4-e4 Kel-Tec PF-9. I'm more interested in his holster set-up. How did George Zimmerman manage to extract the gun while on his back? How visible would it have been for Trayvon Martin if Zimmerman was...

Question of the Day: Do You Have a “Small Arsenal”?

http://www.turnto23.com/html/video-assets/swf/EndPlayVideoPlayer_v1_3_FP10_2.swf?v=041613_0&env=39840 Report: Attorney accused of trying to kill wife had small arsenal in home. That's the headline from California's turnto23.com. So . . . what's a small arsenal, then? "Police said when the first officers...

Congressman Engel Tries to Ban FN FiveseveN. Again.

  Ah, political grandstanding. Where would we be without it? More specifically, where would the civilian disarmament movement be without pandering to people's irrational fears? One of the gun grabbers' key tenets of terror:...

The Galaxy S4 Drone Strike That Wasn’t

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxThXvuP4Vo& "ClearPlex, engineered for both windshields and touchscreen devices, is the clearest, smoothest and STRONGEST protection in the world! Maybe nextime we will use a 3D printed gun :)." Or maybe next time they'll actually,...

TTAG Content Contest: Win A Free FNS-9 Handgun!

TTAG has a lot of time for FNH USA. As regular readers no doubt know, the Belgian-born gunmaker's embedded our man Leghorn in their 3-Gun team. RF calls his SCAR-16 and SCAR-17 his favorite outside...

Question of the Day: Advice for a First Time CCW’er?

This came in as an Ask Foghorn question, but I'd like to open it up to for wider discussion . . .  I just turned 21 and bought a new handgun and applied for a...

Gun Review: Walther PPX

The Walther PPX for this review was provided by The Kentucky Gun Company.  Walther is a company on the rise. As you can probably tell by all of the press attention, the venerable old German arms...