Brady Campaign Candlelight Vigil’s Stories, Anti-Gun Prayer

As our main man Zimmerman reported previously, the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence is organizing/coordinating a nationwide series of candlelight vigils for victims of gun violence. Strangely, the media kit bit is password...

Heller’s Attorneys Awarded $1.1 Million for DC vs. Heller Work

Who says the wheels of justice grind slowly? OK, in this case it's the determination of legal fees that took three and a half years, and no one's going to cry a river over...

Quote of the Day: Life Among the Barbarians Edition

"Under Mayor Bloomberg, New York’s nothing like the Bible Belt, of course — it’s much less civilized and much more repressive.. And just like black people visiting the South in the 1930s, gun owners...

Xbox Live Institutes Online Gun Control

Not being a gamer, I wasn't aware that there are online stores where you can buy - with real dinero - equipment to trick out your avatar to personalize them. And guns have been...

“Mexico continues to be a poster child for the failure of gun control”

While America is finally rolling back gun control laws and liberalizing the permitting process, Mexican citizens continue their descent into gunless, lawless hell. The video above chronicles a particularly egregious attack on innocent civilians,...

NY Times Proves Concealed Carry License Holders More Law-Abiding Than the Population. Unintentionally.

The New York Times published an article yesterday about concealed carry permit holders in the state of North Carolina, painting them as drunken drug addicts who used their guns irrationally in the heat of...

Gun Hypocrite of the Day: Mayor Sam Jones

Mayor Sam Jones of Mobile, Alabama returned home from a grocery run last Tuesday and noticed that things weren't quite right. His lighted nativity scene had been turned on after he had turned it...

About That Travel Business – Read This First

Cunard Lines once claimed that “getting there is half the fun.” The slogan was later appropriated by an airline to pimp air travel. What the airline didn’t explain was that when it comes to...

DGU Puts Kroger in a Jam Over Employee Gun Policy

31 "The actions of a Kroger store manager who shot and killed a would-be robber inside the grocery store are being hailed by many as heroic," reports. "But it's also likely that the manager...

Quote of the Day: More Guns, Less Gun Owners Edition

"The research we've seen indicates fewer and fewer people are owning more and more guns" Caroline Brewer, Director of Communications, The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence .

Shall-Issue Prognosticators’ Crystal Balls Were Cloudy

The DesMoines Register reports that some sheriffs are astonished that when they stop arbitrarily curtailing folks' rights, people start actually exercising them: The number of Iowans seeking permits to carry handguns and other weapons has...

Quote of the Day: Image Burnishing Edition

"Dressed in blaze orange with a baseball cap stitched with the letters 'NRA,' Santorum told reporters after bagging at least four birds: 'I make the argument that there’s nobody who’s done more for the...