Question of the Day: What’s Your Favorite Shooting Drill?

32 Tis the season when getting outside to shoot in space can be painful or downright impossible depending on the weather. While shooting and moving is preferable, that doesn't mean you can't get some useful...

Navy Vet: 80 Hours of Training = Common Sense Gun Control

"Shall not be infringed." The last four words of the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution are pellucid: the right to keep and bear arms is a no-go area for government regulation. Any government regulation....

Brownells Launches “Survival Pandemic” Kits

I'm a HUGE proponent of keeping an emergency medical kit and/or a bugout bag in your car. Terrible things happen all the time, and being prepared to meet any challenge is part of staying...

Shoot Like the Pros – “Old” Federal Air Marshal Course of Fire

The Federal Air Marshal (FAM) Service has existed in one form or another since 1962.  Originally begun under the auspices of the FAA as the FAA Peace Officers program, their basic role has not...

Shoot Like the Pros: The New FBI Qualification Course of Fire

In my last post in the "Shoot Like the Pros" series, I covered the old FBI Qualification course of fire that every agent had to complete annually with an 85% or better score.  It...

Shoot Like the Pros – Old FBI Qualification Course of Fire

Over time, I find shooting at the same old targets to get a little bit boring. I wanted to find something that would hold my interest and at the same time give me some...

When Crazy Speaks Violence

The other evening, the idiot box aired a program about Maksim Gelman, also known as Mad Maks or the Butcher of Brighton Beach. Gelman, besides being nuttier than a squirrel turd, gained fame by...

Self-Defense Tip: Train to Move!

33 My name is Robert Farago and I am a keyboard commando. You see the slick way gun guru Jabo Long loads his gun, does a press check, knocks it on the ass and puts the...

CNN Shows That Yes, It Is Possible for Kids to Safely Shoot Guns

Wait...first there's a reasonable column about guns in the Washington Post and then CNN runs a piece that shows responsible parents and adults teaching kids as young as five how to shoot safely? On the...

Dan Baum: Shooting is Good for Kids

The sturm und drang has been flowing freely since Charles Vacca met an untimely end earlier this week after allowing a 9-year-old girl to fire an Uzi with the giggle switch engaged. Reactions have fallen somewhere...

Arizona Instructor Killed When Girl Loses Control of Full-Auto Uzi

193 Shooting instructor Charles Vacca apparently didn't read the news much. If he had, he might have known about the tragic case of a Massachusetts 8-year-old boy, Christopher Bizilj, who lost control of an Uzi back...

IRS: The Gang That Can’t Shoot Straight

Those of you concerned about the Internal Revenue Service's information processing and archiving practices should probably be just as worried - if not more so - about the training of their agents who carry...