Blue Force Gear Quote of the Day: White People Express Frustration With Guns

"If I was a white guy, I'd go get my semiautomatic weapon and come down here and mow everybody down." - Nebraska State Senator Ernie Chambers in Ernie Chambers: 'If I was a white guy,...

Blue Force Gear Quote of the Day: Mommy Blogger Defends Guns While Dissing...

"Owning a gun doesn't make me a hillbilly or a bad mom. I'm not out in my back yard shooting squirrels for fun or blaring Ted Nugent over the radio while my toddler runs...

Blue Force Gear Quote of the Day: AR Prof. Erik Gilbert’s Advice to...

“Most of us complain that our students won’t even read, and now we are worrying about them being so engaged that they might throw caution to the wind and start shooting?” - Associate Dean...

Blue Force Gear Quote of the Day: CA Democrats Just Want To Keep...

“I’m just trying to stop the bad guys from getting guns.” - California Congressman Mike Thompson in Rep. Mike Thompson is fired up over gun-violence gridlock in Congress

Blue Force Gear Quote of the Day: Good Luck With That Non-Violent Approach...

"In a mass murder situation in progress, if you choose to peacefully resolve the situation yourself without the use of violence or calling the police, please let me know how that works out for...

Blue Force Gear Quote of the Day: Michigan Open Carry in School Causes...

"I have asked him if he would leave the weapon in his truck and he said he was going to 'stick to his guns.' That's what he said." - Kalamazoo Regional Educational Services Agency...

Blue Force Gear Quote of the Day: MS Cops Prefer Off-Body Carry

"Last year, they added the purse or bag (concealed carry), and we really didn't speak out. We didn't like it, but we didn't speak out that much because if a weapon is in a...

Blue Force Gear Quote of the Day: CT Becoming a 14th Amendment-Free Zone

“Individuals that are served with one of these orders will not have their opportunity to have a hearing prior to their firearms being seized. Keep in mind that these individuals are persons that have...

Blue Force Gear Quote of the Day: Hillary! vs. the Gun Lobby

“Nothing is more powerful than the gun lobby. This is an issue I am so profoundly disturbed about. We have to take on the gun lobby. The gun lobby really intimidates elected officials. We have got...

Blue Force Gear Quote of the Day: Predictable Results of Ending Stop and...

“I’m not quite sure why violent people would switch to knife carrying over gun carrying when their chances of being stopped and frisked or arrested are already so low.” - Heather Mac Donald in NYC...

Blue Force Gear Quote of the Day: The Nefarious, Overlooked Gun Industry

"Listen to how many sentences begin with something like 'Americans have always.' 'They have always loved guns. They have always had guns.' These things are much more complicated than that. The meanings of guns...

Blue Force Gear Quote of the Day: Josh Sugarmann’s ‘What You Don’t Have...

"While pro-gun advocates reflexively deny the relationship between gun availability and increased risk for injury and death, the fact remains: If a handgun had not been in that pickup truck, a mother and her...