Alaskan Biologists: They Shoot Seagulls Don’t They?

Douglas Causey  is a professor of biological sciences at the University of Alaska at Anchorage. Causey's area of interest: how seabirds are adapting to global warming. He does his research with two tools not often...

Gear Review: Primary Arms 6X ACSS .22 LR Scope

March 11, 2014: the U.S. Patent Office approves a patent for the Advanced Combat Sighting System, or ACSS. This novel reticle design combines near-instant, intuitive ranging of human targets out to 800 yards with...

Feral Hogs Are Destructive and Delicious…And A Dream Come True

By Russ Lumpkin via Sporting Classics Daily The tracks of whitetails, turkeys, and feral pigs crisscrossed and piled on each other, captured in the temporary cement of red clay that had not received rain in...

Budget Hunting Rifles: Be Thankful for Accurate Bargain Guns

By Ron Spomer via Sporting Classics Daily They’re black, homely, half-plastic, and cheap. God bless ’em. Call them abominations, insults to American gun-making, or Cheap-Mart specials, but appreciate them because today’s starter bolt-action rifles are...

My Name Is Tom And I’m A Hunter

I am a hunter. I don't apologize for that. I eat meat. I love to eat meat. And I love to hunt. I also love to shoot guns. So I found a sport that...

MN Star Tribune Publishes Location of Cecil the Lion Killer’s Hunting Ranch

TTAG is a fan of Sporting Classics Daily. While we work on establishing a content sharing agreement, we thought we'd post a link to their most excellent blog post, Newspaper Publishes Map of Walter Palmer's...

Hunters: Kill Bambi, Not Bambi’s Mom [VIDEO May Be Disturbing to Sensitive Viewers]

66 Checking out The unique ecology of human predators at, TTAG reader WS stumbled across a scientific truism to tantalize deer hunters: "In natural predator pray situations, predators target the young and old of the prey species...

Bloomington, MN: Coyotes Must Die? [VIDEO]

93 And there I was thinking that hazing was reserved to college students willing to pick up an olive with their butt cheeks. Apparently, it's something residents of Minnesota's fourth largest city need to know, coyote-wise. "Bloomington residents have...

Gear Review: ATN X-Sight Digital Day/Night Optic

  There are few things in this world cooler than night-vision optics, and next to a Batman-style grappling hook I can’t think of many gadgets I’ve wanted more since I was a little kid. Unfortunately,...

Hunting an Elephant With a .51 caliber DShK. Funny? [VIDEO]

41 It's always nice to see the weapon in action that our Jon Wayne Taylor calls "the most perfect thing ever invented by man": the Browning .50 caliber machine gun. This is not that gun!...

African Countries Say US Airline’s Trophy Ban Will Cause “The End of Conservation”

Hunting in Africa is big business. The African countries depend on hunters, willing to pay extravagant tag fees to the government and spend many thousands of dollars in the local economy, to fund their...

Actual Zimbabwean to Anti-Hunting Types: FOAD

Zimbabwe, nee Southern Rhodesia, has always been a hard place to live. Goodwell Nzou would know. The doctoral student at Wake Forest University hails from that country, and is well aware of the dangers the...