The National African American Gun Association – Whites Welcome

Atlanta, Georgia – A new national Firearms Organization has arrived and is making its presence felt in the pro gun civil rights community. The National African American Gun Association started in February of 2015 has already...

Quote of the Day: Open Carry Banned by the Constitution in Colorado Springs? Edition...

75 "It goes back to the Constitution, the pursuit of happiness. You should be allowed to walk with your family down any street and not feel threatened." - Colorado Springs City Councilman Bill Murray quoted in Springs...

NFL Beefs-Up Security After Paris Attack. Still “Gun Free Zones”

"The NFL announced Saturday that it will have 'an increased security and law enforcement presence' at games this weekend," reports, "a response to terrorist attacks in Paris that included explosions outside France's national...

Illinois House of Representatives: Overturn Heller Decision

HOUSE RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Gun violence is an ever present problem in the  State, as well as nationwide; an example of which is 8 persons dying in Chicago in one week in October due to gun violence; and...

“Smart Ammunition Magazines” Revealed

Needless to say, this could be a "What Could Possibly Go Wrong?" post. I'd love to see a demo video of a gun owner reloading his handgun using the system. Under stress. Tap, rack,...

President Obama Invites Anti-Gun Rights Gun Owner to the White House, Address Congress

78 "On October 3, Mark Carman posted a YouTube video in which he equated gun rights with motorcycle ownership," reports, "arguing that the licensing requirement for the latter provides some standard to guide licensing...’s Plan to Destroy the National Rifle Association’s Credibility in Washington

TTAG reader mister3D sent us this email blast from (who somehow forgot to use the words "Gun Safety" in their anti-gun rights agitprop): Dear MoveOn member, We've developed a breakthrough strategy to destroy the National...

45 Percent of Americans Don’t Believe Universal Background Checks Would Reduce Crime

Rasmussen Reports reports on gun control on a regular basis. Their latest survey informs us that "Support for the current federal system of background checks on gun purchasers remains high." In fact, 85 percent...

The NRA Reviews the Aromatic iP1 and Pronounces It A Complete Dog

"In May 2014, NRA staffers secretly tested the Armatix iP1, the so-called “smart gun” that at the time was causing a furor among both media and gun owners nationwide," the NRA's website reveals. "What we...

Question of the Day: Would You Take the “Pledge Against Gun Violence?” [VIDEO]

64 "Last week, more than six hundred voices echoed across the gymnasium of St. Augustine High School in New Orleans, Louisiana," reports. "They belonged to students gathered to recite a pledge, but not the familiar...

BREAKING: Cook County IL Set to Pass Ammo Tax: .01 on Every Rimfire Cartridge,...

"Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle officially announced today her intention to pass the county’s first round of ammunition taxes during this Friday’s county board meeting," the Illinois State Rifle Association reports. Yup, you read...

Gun Control Advocates: Use Government Contracts to Blackmail Gun Makers to Create Gun Control

We first saw gun control advocates attempt to use government contracts as leverage against gun makers in New Jersey. Institute gun control or our cops won't buy your guns! That came to nought. In October on this...