banshee 9mm pistol

FPC Files Response Brief In Pistol Brace Lawsuit

The battle over the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) rule redefining braced pistols as “short-barreled rifles” placing them under the National Firearms Act continues in the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. Most recently, the Firearms Policy...

More Mexican Gun Running Hijinx with the Biden Admin and ATF

There’s a sense of déjà vu all over again when it comes to the federal government shutting down efforts to put a halt to Mexican gun-running schemes. U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) released a series...
Iraqveteran8888 pistol brace

NRA Members Receive “Get Out of Jail Free Card” for Guns with Pistol Braces

Our friends over at The Reload are reporting the result of a preliminary injunction by a judge in NRA v. ATF, is the ATF is not allowed to pursue NRA members for guns with...

Malinowski Family Attorneys Release Statement, Videos in BATF Killing of Bryan Malinowski

Local media continue their coverage of the BATF forcible entry raid that ultimately led to the death of Bryan Malinowski, a respected member of the Little Rock, Ark., community. Instead of picking up the...

SAF Asks: Who Will the ATF Shoot Next?

As already reported on TTAG, the ATF went to Bryan Malinowski’s West Little Rock home last month spoiling for a gunfight, and they got one. Now, a good man is dead – the latest...

Dem Senator Warns Trump Might Appoint Judges That Will Follow The Constitution

We’ve chronicled a number of times how under the Biden Administration, unelected bureaucrats—namely those within the U.S. Department of Justice and its Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF)—have been making laws rather...

Those Wacky ATF Folks: Changing the Meaning of Words

It appears those wacky bureaucrats with guns and jackboots are at it again. That’s right, the ATF is trying to change laws and even the meaning of words to allow them to lord over...

Arkansas AG Demands Answers, Bodycams from ATF’s Fatal Raid

Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin has serious questions for ATF officials about their botched March 19 SWAT team raid, which killed Little Rock Airport executive director, Bryan Malinowski, in his home. And if ATF...

D.C. Police Department Draws ATF’s Ire Over Gun Transfers

When gun-hating bureaucrats and politicians finally ran the last gun store in Washington, D.C., out of business back in 2020, the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) took over the chore of transferring firearms. What happened...
ATF headquarters hq

Justice Department, ATF Issue Final Rule on What It Means to be “Engaged in...

On the 31st anniversary of the Federal government's assault on the Branch Davidian complex in Waco, Texas, more questions are being asked about another gross case of government overreach regarding the botched March 19...
ATF agent

Little Rock ATF Incident Update: Agents Were Not Wearing Body Cameras as per ATF...

Arkansas Republican Senators Tom Cotton and John Boozman are pushing for answers about ATF’s March 19th SWAT raid, during which Little Rock Airport executive Bryan Malinowski was shot and killed in his own home. “The...

Ruby Ridge, Waco and Now Little Rock, But Arkansas AG Appears to Back Down...

Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin is the top law enforcement officer in the state, and he is ultimately responsible for safeguarding the lives and civil rights of the more than 3.5 million Arkansans who...