Unequal Protection For The Second Amendment

South Carolina's new voter ID act has been in the news lately, with various civil rights groups and the Department of Justice damning it as discriminatory and racist. In fact, DoJ Civil Rights Division...

Support Gun Rights: BUYcott Starbucks on February 14

The National Gun Victims Action Council has declared a Valentine's Day boycott of Starbucks to protest the coffee chain's support for American gun laws. TTAG Commentator Greg in Allston has a counter-proposal, as originated by Sebastian...

Blood Dancing (and Lies) at PolicyMic.com

PolicyMic.com recently published a commentary on the crime situation in Honduras. Titled Honduras, Murder Capital of the World, Proof that NRA's Gun-Freedom Dream is Flawed they gleefully use this horrific situation to push their...

Gun Grabbers to Boycott Starbucks

Here's the press release from the National Gun Victims Action Council: CHICAGO, Jan. 23, 2012 -- /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- A nationwide boycott of Starbucks stores and its products will be launched on Valentine's Day 2012. Its goal is...

Latest NYC Gun Law Casualty: Navy SEAL

Shaun Day made the mistake of running a red at 12:30 a.m. in the city that never sleeps. When pulled over by the cops, they found a 9mm and three mags in his truck....

NSW [Australia] Greens: Three Guns and Done

Never take your gun rights for granted. Never believe that "common sense" gun regulations are OK because, well, they seem to make sense. Always keep in mind that the expression "the camel's nose under the tent"...

Protecting New York’s Gangs With Gun Control Laws

After a rash of out-of-towners (legal gun carriers in their home states) were recently arrested for breaking New York City's ludicrous gun laws, Michael Walsh details The Strange Birth of New York's Gun Laws...

Never Let a High Profile International Meeting Go to Waste

L. Neil Smith once said (and yes, I quote him a lot because he's articulate and insightful), "People accuse me of being a single-issue writer, a single- issue thinker, and a single- issue...

Quote of the Day: Government Thugs Heart Gun Control Edition

“By all indication, they appeared to be going for Mr George Agaba, the director of Physical Planning. The action of the mob prompted Agaba’s bodyguard to fire in the air to secure Agaba and...

It’s Time for State-Mandated Voter Training. Or not.

The Athens Banner-Herald published an editorial a couple of days ago that supported a bill in the GA legislature which, "would require applicants to complete a four-hour firearms safety training course from either a...

A New ‘Wave’ of Constitutional Rights Violations

The latest buzz is that the NYDP is testing new body scanners that will allow New York’s Finest to stay in their cars and scan people for weapons using something called terahertz wave scanners....

NYPD Testing Remote Gun Scanner

Just when gun rights supporters thought there couldn't possibly be another reason to vilify New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and his anti-gun jihad, the NYPD says it's testing remote gun scanners. No really. "The technology, similar...