First Time CHL – The Odyssey Begins

Nick’s First Time Hunter series was so goshdarned popular, I thought I’d do a little series of my own. But this time, instead of focusing on our favorite city slicker spending some time in...

NY Times Proves Concealed Carry License Holders More Law-Abiding Than the Population. Unintentionally.

The New York Times published an article yesterday about concealed carry permit holders in the state of North Carolina, painting them as drunken drug addicts who used their guns irrationally in the heat of...

Self-Defense Tip for Women: Carry a Gun

Whenever I debate gun control, I wait until I've backed the anti-gunner into a corner. I listen for the moment when their flawed logic collapses under its own weight (or lack thereof) and they...

It Turns Out Getting Shot Can Be Good for Your Health

Developing non-original equipment holes in your body is typically a bad thing. You tend to leak a lot. Organs can get rearranged, if not altogether shredded. Especially when the shooter uses big boy rounds...

Ask Foghorn: Best Self Defense AR-15?

A reader asks: I am a Vietnam Airforce Vet and would like to buy a very nice to excellent AR15 for tactical and self defense. Would you mind sharing with me your top 3 choices/picks...

What Was That About Stopping Power?

Trillions of electrons - and tens of thousands of gallons of ink, before that - have been spilled in the never-ending debate over stopping power. People have nearly come to blows over which caliber...

Focusing Excessively On Guns As A Survival Element

We should probably put mikeb302000 on retainer since he seems to stimulate so many of my posts. And this is one reason I love hearing contrary viewpoints; they allow us to refine our arguments,...

Have a Happy, Tactical Holiday Season

By Lt. Salvador Navarro (Ret), CEO  & President, Montana Tactical Firearms Instruction With the Christmas season, thoughts tend to turn to...the tactical? Well, yes. You may be wondering how focusing on tactics and Christmas are...

Quote of the Day: Preparedness Edition

"Forget about knives, bats and fists. Bring a gun. Preferably, bring at least two guns. Bring all of your friends who have guns. Bring four times the ammunition you think you could ever need."...

Question of the Day: Do You Train for Self-Defense? Really?

  Christian over at American Firearms School put me through my paces the other night: tactical reloads, close combat leading to live fire, shooting while moving, low-light shooting and more. It was a genuine eye-opener;...

In United States, Government Fear You

That's the idea, anyway. Or was, 230-something years ago. Only that all-American take on the over-used Soviet jokes has become less and less true over the last fifty years as the size and scope...

CNN interviews Virginia Citizens Defense League’s Philip Van Cleave about Carry on Campus

13 I never really liked Ali Velshi, specifically because he never allows anyone to finish their point before jumping in with another question or trying to throw them off. But Philip seems to hold his...