Image by Boch.

In Chicago, at least half the time there are no police officers available to respond to 911 calls for help – not even the highest priority calls like stabbings, domestics, rapes, gunshot victims and so forth. Not even for a triple homicide. In August 2022, it took police 20 minutes to arrive at the scene of a triple homicide with two more victims critically injured and a suspect nearby.

The trend continues to this day. When seconds count, cops are just minutes – or hours away. Just a couple of weeks ago, a Chicago mom called after she suffered a home invasion committed by two masked men. She waited four hour hours for officers to arrive.

From NBC Chicago:

A Chicago mom is raising questions about the police response after two men broke into her Wicker Park home, with four hours elapsing before officers arrived after her 911 call.

Before cops arrived, she called 911 again (and again) to ask for an ETA for responding officers. Eventually she asked for a supervisor. That supervisor reportedly asked her if “I had a weapon or considered getting one.”

God helps those who help themselves.

She could have had a quality revolver in her hand moments after two masked marauders tried forcing their way into her home.

Scientists agree that criminals commit fewer crimes after they’ve been shot.

Yet legislators in Springfield, led by the Illinois Black Caucus, spend a lot more time drafting (and passing) legislation to help criminals instead of holding them accountable.  For instance, Democrats passed HB 4409 to change references in a state law from “offender” to the kinder-gentler “justice impacted individual.”

Another bill has a bill to rename “habitual” gun criminals to “persistent unlawful possession of a weapon.”

Priorities. The Illinois Black Caucus and their radical allies in the Democrat party seem hellbent on defending “justice impacted individuals” while leaving the people victimized by these thugs and hoodlums on their own, the majority of the victims often ironically being Black Americans, whom the caucus supposedly represents.

With that in mind, prudent people will avail themselves to the proven benefits of firearm ownership. Get a gun, learn how to use it and prepare to defend your home and family. Because when seconds count, cops may be hours away. And the only thing that stops bad people with evil in their heart is a good guy with a gun.


  1. Votes have consequences just like inaction. The people of Chiraq are reaping the consequences.

    • Exactly. Those soft-on-crime Democrats were voted into office by the people who are suffering because of their policies. And they will continue to vote for Democrats and continue to suffer because of it. There is no cure for stupidity, and liberalism = stupid.

      • “The beauty and terror of democracy is that the majority of the people get the government they want, and DESERVE.”

        Do the people of Chicago want or deserve to be safe in their homes? No, they voted against that. And I for one, am happy for them.

  2. …. 911 should just start sending out prepaid, pre addressed self -serve body bag kits to the victims. Maybe they’ll get lucky and a few will contain the perp, though the odds are definitely not in the caller’s favor in Chicongo.

  3. And yet, these people are not impacted by justice at all. And where is the justice for the victims.

    • Most of the plantation states and cities are pivoting from the justice system to the just us system. It makes sense when you have money and/or power without morals.

    • Missed that one, was catching up on machete attacks and gang related stabbings.

      • Upstate NY really is beautiful. Damn shame it’s tethered to NYC. Similar situation as in many states.

        • Always important to make sure you limit the tyranny of the majority from the cities.

          • I read recently that Michelle Wu has been pushing the law enforcement policies in Boston that have been leading to closed business and driving people out of San Francisco in droves. Larry Krasner in Philly has been using DA office resources helping criminals, including violent criminals, avoid deportation. I keep wondering when it will finally be enough for the non elite, working people in the cities to get fed up and vote these lunatics out, but it just never seems to happen.

        • “Upstate NY really is beautiful.”

          Maybe, but once commeth the snow and cold, ‘Fugetaboutit’.

          At one time, a friend and I were assigned to Griffis AFB, and Minot AFB ND respectively. I never felt I missed anything…at all

    • It looks like one of Biden’s dreamers that are supposed to make us safer and richer because they’re better than us. That’s why they’re fleeing their s_hole countries to come here, because they’re better than us. Imagine believing that propaganda.

  4. Well the po-leece show up quickly in our suburb. Too quickly at times. And they are generally worthless(what gunshots? So what if you & your wife & son witnessed it!). But keep backing the blue. They’re working for those pensions & benefits🙄

  5. There is some truth to that suggestion, but the victim better have put that gun away when the police finally arrive or he/she/it runs the risk of being shot by the police.

    I am not anti-police, it just seems to me that there are two many officers who see a firearm and just open fire, pulling the trigger until slide lock, without ever evaluating if the person being fired upon is in fact presenting an immediate threat of immediate injury or death. How many times have we heard of a homeowner or apartment occupant being shot through a window simply because they had a gun in hand when responding to a bump in the night (or police banging on their door before dawn?

    • “… it just seems to me that there are two many officers who see a firearm and just open fire, pulling the trigger until slide lock, without ever evaluating if the person being fired upon is in fact presenting an immediate threat of immediate injury or death.”

      It is beaten into cops during training that the *only* important thing for them is to get home safe to their families. If that means acting before thinking, so be it… 🙁

      • Reminds me of the cop who shot the old deaf and blind mini dog. Poor dog was wandering aimlessly lost and alone (no one around but the bodycam) , cops couldn’t collar him, shot him dead.
        Gives good cops a bad name.

  6. Gun law capital of the Midwest! Buy two, the turds will take one away!!! Hahahaha! You can’t make this shit up!!!💩cago.

  7. “The Illinois Black Caucus and their radical allies in the Democrat party seem hellbent on defending “justice impacted individuals” while leaving the people victimized by these thugs and hoodlums on their own,….”

    As it should be. It is settled science that the poor, disadvantaged, and POC only commit crime because those who don’t commit crime are oppressing anyone who doesn’t look like them.

    If every person who doesn’t commit crime began to do so in large numbers, crime wouldn’t be cool any more.

    • Any group that does better than another group, has to be the oppressor. It’s the only possible explanation, unless they’re Asian (sometimes).

  8. “A covenant not to defend myself from force by force, is always void. For the right men have by Nature to protect themselves, when none else can protect them, can by no covenant be relinquished.” -Thomas Hobbes, ‘Leviathan’ 1651.

    OUR right to personal self-defense does NOT end at our property line, it goes with us wherever we go. I carry a gun because I cannot carry a cop. There IS a natural human right to self-defense. If you deny the means to affect that defense, such as firearms or the right to carry them, then you deny the right of self-defense; thus, gun control is antithetical to the right, unlawful, immoral, un-American and unconstitutional.

    • “OUR right to personal self-defense does NOT end at our property line, it goes with us wherever we go”.

      Seems the right to self defense can be regulated as to the means. Justice Scalia declared that the Second Amendment does not include carrying/bearing whichever firearm, to whichever location/for whichever purpose (District of Columbia v. Heller, 2008).

      The point often overlooked is that the Second Amendment addresses not sport, or even self-defense. Instead, 2A is a declaration, a warning, to those bent upon establishing a tyranny as the form of government for the US. The purpose of 2A is the threat of armed rebellion. We should be emphasizing that aspect above the derivative benefits such as sport, hunting, self-defense.

      Related note: “inalienable” means cannot be taken away; “unalienable” means cannot be voluntarily forfeited.

  9. Well the cops figure if they drag their feet the shootings will be over before they get there. No use getting involved if you don’t have too.
    Buy a gunm? Are you kidding me, owning a firearmn in America is a death sentence.

  10. You can bet they will prosecute anyone who violates their gun laws outside of Cook County.

  11. This ‘Chicago mom’ wont make the mental connection contained within the question she was asked. Her thought is more likely to be one of confusion. She is so very likely to be a democrat voter that supports Biden, hates Trump, and considers all gun owners as people with mental problems. I doubt very seriously this personal will actually ever read anything TTAG posts. It is difficult to understand the reality that such a large portion of this country truly believes that a call to 911 can be made anytime there is an emergency and a cop will instantly appear to take care of it. Sage advice: wake up and smell the coffee.

    What would she have done if a contractor in some other sate would have severed a fiber optic line while installing a light pole and inadvertently knocked out 911 in here state?

  12. And there in lies the problem in Chicago. Getting a FOID card and the rest of the hassles in order to even get let alone carry a side arm. Of course the usual Dementiacrat response is call 911 and pray the cops show up before you expire. Keep the victims broke, ignorant and dependent on big daddy government. Can’t have the serfs, peasants, and slaves able to resist or heaven forbid fight back or escape the plantation.

  13. Democrats love their euphemisms. That’s one way they’ve been changing the culture.

  14. I endorse this 1999 book by Richard W. Stevens titled, “Dial 911 and Die: The Shocking Truth About The Police Protection Myth.” If still in print, it might still remain available from JPFO, Inc. at JPFO, Inc. is “America’s Aggressive Civil Rights Organization” and is non NRA affiliated. Same for The John Birch Society in Appleton, Wisconsin at and, respectively, another pro-Second Amendment institution. Dial 911 and Die properly teaches that “local law enforcement has no moral or legal duty to respond to a 911 call, instead their duty (the local police or sheriff) is charge only at protecting the public at large, not individuals.” Numerous court cases bear this out, including rulings via the U.S. Supreme Court, state appellate courts, and the judiciary in general. Dial 911 and Die also covers the myths, fallacies, and failures of restraining orders. This is of of vital mortal concern to many women who are stalked, abused, threatened, and abused by lowlife male scum! Finally, a caption in introduction to this book (Dial 911 and Die” has this caption: “Even the most advanced cellular phone is no match (substitute) for a good .38 Special!”
    James A. “Jim” Farmer
    Klamath County, Oregon
    Long Live The State of Jefferson!

  15. Scientists agree that criminals commit fewer crimes after they’ve been shot.

    Now that there, ladies and gentlemen, is some science that I can follow!

  16. Part of the problem in a place like Chicago is that so many of the voters have relatives who are criminals so they don’t want anything happening to them.

    • There are too many “justice impacted individuals” not getting their fair share of the impacted part, preferrably by 9mm.

    • “Maybe the People in Chicago need to quit voting the STUPID way they ALWAYS have . . .”

      Voters always vote for the person/party voters think will give them the most of what they want, regardless of other outcomes.

      Personally, I want more of no accountability for personal decisions, and greater taxes on people who make even a dollar more than me.

      What is the fair share wealthy people should be taxed? In one word, “MORE”.

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  18. I’m imagining a movie starring Denzel W as a vigilante going around Chi town eliminating violent drug dealers. He then recruits fed up citizens to take over so he can move on to the next city to clean up. (endless sequels possible)

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