A Criminal Investigator and His S&W Model 442: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of...

Big Todd, a criminal investigator from Tennessee sends us his "Working EDC" today.  Via Everyday Carry. He writes: This is my 9-5 EDC. I carry all of this everyday. Looks a little bulky but the belt...

Maximillian’s Minimalist Carry: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Max from New Mexico sends his "Minimalist Carry" pocket dump.  Courtesy Everyday Carry. He writes: This is mine. Nothing very special . I don't always carry the phone I took the pics with, but I always...

The World’s Oldest Freelance Web Designer’s Latest: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the...

Okay, ZL says he's 102 years old.  And a web designer.  He's a spry fella, I'll give him that! He sends his "Current Set Up" for today's carry submission. First off, he carries a GLOCK 17...

Love Covers All: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Calhoun from Fayetteville, NC sends his "LOVE covers all" submission to us for today's Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day. If you're like me, you're thinking, "that's a lot of add-ons for a defensive...

Aircraft Inspection & Documentation Carry: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Johnathan Martin, from Arizona (how could you guess?) sends his Aircraft Inspection & Documentation carry.  From Everyday Carry. In addition to the S&W M&P 9c in an Alien Gear Shape Shifter 4.0 appendix carry holster. He...

A James Bond Fan’s EDC: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

HR guy Mark sends his "Black and Stainless" ensemble today.  Via Everyday Carry. He adds this comment: October EDC-ing. The Winthrop holster is such a great comfortable holster with the PPK under a jacket. Perfect on...

The American Express EDC (Don’t Leave Home Without It): Everyday Carry Pocket Dump...

Daniel Hoffman sends his American Express Carry - as in don't leave home without it for today's everyday carry post.  Courtesy Everyday Carry. Yes, the basic tools for when the world turns upside down.  Look...

Eddie Chaps’ Florida EDC: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

As the Democrats are on stage at the CNN debate are busy telling us how we need to throw more US troops into Syria for like, forever, we bring you Eddie Chaps' Everyday Carry...

Fullbright’s Outpost Carry: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Greetings from Fullbright Outpost in sunny Union, South Carolina.  Cocky country where everything appears just ducky.  Lord, who chose their college mascot there? Mr. Fullbright, or Sammy to friends, carries a Springfield Armory XDM9.  In...

Interesting Choices from Wisconsin: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Phil, who works in a grocery store in Wisconsin sends his Everyday Carry stuff.  Via Everyday Carry. First, why the brown belt instead of black?  So the belt clips contrast brightly if the shirt rides...

Sheepdog John’s Saturday Carry: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Sheepdog John sends us his Saturday Carry. He's 56-years-old, and carries just a few tools, but hits all the basics. He's got a Ruger LCP.  I won't criticize the LCP, but I will say that the...

Texas Prosecutor’s Summertime Carry: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Welcome to Texas!  From Everyday Carry. Have you submitted your pocket dump yet?  What's holding you back? Groove Street, a prosecutor in Texas, has.  He sends his Summertime Carry.   Even though for many parts of the...