UPDATE: MO RKBA Amendment Could Lead to Constitutional Carry

Missouri's Constitutional Amendment 5 passed yesterday with 62% of the vote and 3712 of 3898 precincts reported. It's a clear statement of support for the right to keep and bear arms, clarifying that it's a fundamental...

Boxer’s Fix: Gun Violence Prevention Orders

Reader Tim T. recently wrote to one of his senators, Barbara Boxer. For those unfamiliar, this is someone to whom even those on the left give a pass under the assumption that she's simply...

Chuck Norris [Not Shown] & NRA Tooling-Up For Nov. Elections

The National Rifle Association’s Freedom Action Foundation is launching their 2014 “Trigger the Vote” Voter Registration Campaign. But because a pun does not a pro-gun voter movement make, the NRA's once again turning to Chuck...

BREAKING: Obama Administration Bans Import of Izhmash & Kalashnikov (Saiga) Firearms

Earlier today, the Department of Commerce announced new sanctions against Russian products and companies operating in the United States. Previous sanctions only tangentially impacted the import of cheap and reliable firearms from Russia into...

What a Difference a Decade Makes for Gun Rights

By Jared On July 1st many new laws went into effect and we generally hear more about the bad news, legislatively speaking. When it comes to new firearm-related laws, we tend to only hear about...

Michael Bloomberg Donates $250,000 to MS Sen. Thad Cochran

Yesterday, RF wondered how mini-mogul Michael Bloomberg intended to spend the $50 million in pocket change he ostentatiously announced that he would dedicate to the cause of gun safety disarming law abiding Americans. After all,...

Records Show CO Gov. Hickenlooper Lied to Sheriffs About Talking to Bloomberg Before Signing...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c__CpgJR1IU Colorado was one of the most visible battlegrounds in the fight against gun control following the Newtown shooting. Despite massive public outcry, the Democratic-led legislature, cheered on by Mayors Against Illegal Guns apparatchiks, passed...

CT Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Foley: RINO or Realist?

"There are an awful lot of things in  that inconvenience law abiding citizens who believe they have a right under the second amendment to own and use firearms," Constitution State gubernatorial candidate Tom Foley...

P320 Entry: Don’t Fall Into the Single-Issue Trap

By Sgt. Joshua J. I am very liberal. Actually, I’ll come clean, I’m falling off the left side of the scale liberal. Most gun owners see my philosophy on life as the enemy...

Quote of the Day: Better Safe Than Sorry Edition

"Fuck it. We believe in America. We’re just gonna buy a gun every day until November so that we’re totally ready for the midterm elections." - SNIPY in Gun Humpers Fight for Their Right...

P320 Entry: Alienating Democrats Won’t Help the RKBA

By JD I am a registered Democrat and I vote for Democrats. Not exclusively, but if every vote I had ever cast was counted, there would be more votes for Democrats than Republicans. I am...

NJ Gov. Christie to Sign Magazine Capacity Bill. Or Not.

"The New Jersey state Assembly on Thursday sent Governor Chris Christie a gun control bill that would limit the capacity of gun ammunition magazines," Reuters reports, "but it was unclear whether the Republican governor...