Hunter Biden Seeks New Trial After Gun Conviction

Lawyers for Hunter Biden formally requested a new trial on Monday, arguing that his recent federal gun charges trial proceeded prematurely. This comes after his June 11 conviction on three felony counts related to...

Biden Makes Gun Control a Focus of His Campaign

As if we ever doubted how this might play out, President Biden’s reelection campaign has moved his gun control agenda front and center of his campaign after unveiling a new advertisement last Saturday, highlighting...
fuck guns protest sign

Research Shows Trump and Biden Supporters View Gun Issue from Opposite Perspectives

Pew Research Service released a Cultural Issues and the 2024 Election report that shows there’s a stark difference in the way those who support more gun control and those who support gun rights see the issue...

Oh the Irony: Biden Calls for Stricter Gun Laws Hours After Son’s Conviction on...

In a speech delivered Tuesday afternoon at the annual misnamed Gun Sense University conference, President Joe Biden pushed for more stringent gun control measures, mere hours after his son, Hunter Biden, was found guilty...

Smoke and Mirrors: Montana Dem Senator Jon Tester Talks Gun, Hunting Rights While Taking...

Three-term U.S. Senator Jon Tester, D-Montana, is in a fight for his political life. Tester’s Republican challenger, Tim Sheehy, a Navy SEAL combat veteran, has received strong support from GOP leadership and an endorsement...
Trump suppressor silencer atf

NYC Moving To Revoke Trump’s Carry License

It should not surprise anyone that the partisan political hacks in New York's government continue their lawfare against former President Donald Trump.  Following the guilty verdicts in his kangaroo trial in NYC last week,...
Hunter biden joe

Hunter Biden’s Federal Gun Crime Trial Begins in Delaware

Hunter Biden arrived at the Delaware courthouse this morning, accompanied by his wife, as his federal gun crime trial gets under way. Jury selection will begin today. The case, historic for being the first...
Donald Trump and revolver (courtesy

Trump Loses His Gun Rights

With 34 felony convictions being delivered to President Donald J. Trump Thursday afternoon by a New York jury—in what is questionably a rigged trial and unquestionably a politically motivated trial—there remain a number of...
HR 1112 enhanced background checks charleston loophole

Pelosi’s Contempt for Guns and Everyday Americans on Full Display in Recent Debate

It has become a tradition in recent elections for anti-gun Democrats to condescendingly refer to opposition voters as too stupid and bigoted to act in their own best interests. The latest example of this...

Gun Control Politicians Don’t Just Hate Guns, They Hate You

Today’s gun control politicians are making it clear. It’s not just guns they despise. There are two other primary obstacles to civil disarmament that they loathe. One is the Second Amendment itself. The other, well,...

Woke Activist Judge in Washington DC Catching Heat For Releasing Would-be Spree Killer Without...

Soft-on-crime politicians, prosecutors and judges claim they're "helping" the community by not locking up violent offenders. In reality, they're victimizing the community by returning feral monsters back onto the streets to they can do...

Dem Who Wanted Gun Insurance Mandated Now Running for State’s Insurance Commissioner Office

In a move that should surprise no one familiar with how many Democratic Party politicians operate, SAF’s Gun Mag Editor in Chief Dave Workman is reporting that Washington State Senator Patty Kuderer, who earlier...