Trump suppressor silencer atf
(Evan Vucci/AP)

It should not surprise anyone that the partisan political hacks in New York’s government continue their lawfare against former President Donald Trump.  Following the guilty verdicts in his kangaroo trial in NYC last week, mainstream media types have gleefully seized on news that NYC police officials are moving to revoke his carry license.

Forbes headlined their story, “Trump’s Next Legal Consequence: His Gun License Poised To Be Revoked By NYPD”.

The New York Police Department is expected to pull former President Donald Trump’s gun license, according to multiple outlets, a routine action that would be taken following Trump’s conviction on 34 felony charges of falsifying business records during his hush money trial in New York last week.

WABC went with this headline, “Donald Trump’s New York gun permit to be revoked following conviction: sources”

Breitbart has more:

The NYPD is preparing to revoke Donald Trump’s concealed carry permit following the numerous felony convictions handed down by the jury last week.

CNN reported the permit was actually suspended on April 1, 2023, following Trump’s indictment on various charges. The NYPD will now move beyond mere suspension, revoking the permit altogether.

The New York Times noted, “Under federal law and state law in New York and Florida, people with felony convictions are barred from possessing a firearm.”

A investigation into the matter is underway by the NYPD and it is anticipated that Trump’s permit will be revoked once it ends. However, Trump “has the right to file a challenge to the move.”

Trump is permitted to carry three specific handguns, two of which were surrendered to the NYPD on March 31, 2023. The third one was “was lawfully moved to Florida,” according to senior law enforcement official.

Time will tell if President Trump receives a pardon or other judicial intervention to reverse the ruling from the partisan political hack judge’s courtroom. However, until that happens, under the letter of the law he is now a prohibited person.

At the same time it’s unlikely he’s packed his own gun for many years thanks to US Secret Service protection.


  1. Goes to show how disorganized we are when even a political hit job is this delayed. Now imagine how slow they go for approvals when they don’t want to get anything done. Never allow permits just to own let alone buy firearms as they will always be garbage processes.

  2. I’d be very curious to know the circumstances of how he got his CCL as much as anything; I’d be willing to bet money or political favor was involved, before he was part of the unfavored.

  3. Mr. Boch:
    Kangaroo trial? The guy was convicted of 34 counts of criminal misbehavior unanimously by a jury of which members Mr. Trump’s legal eagles acquiesced in open court. You, sir, are letting your emotions “trump” your good sense.

        • complete democRat…Are you trying to tell this forum that the nyc jury for POTUS DJT was a jury of his peers when everyone knows nyc is a democRat’s Nest? Can you verify any one of the jury ever voted for TRUMP in 2016 and 2020? If not you can gfy and fjb.
          TRUMP 2024.

          • Debbie, thank you for reminding us how to properly use the word “democRat”. I always forget until I read your posts. I don”t know what I would do without your reminders. Always insightful, always classy. Such a classy lady. You did forget to mention that gun control is rooted in racism.

        • Well, it was a “kangaroo court”. I ex0plained why in another reply to his comment but my reply went to moderation so has not appeared.

          Seriously. Something has got to be done about this stupid moderation thing.

          • moderated twice for no reason and neither of my posts appeared later like they used too when Dan was around.

      • The DOJ said it wouldn’t be appropriate to pursue charges against Hillary for intentionally mishandling classified documents, and intentionally destroying evidence under subpoena because she was a VIP running for president. The media said it would be dangerous to pursue charges against Hillary.

        The DOJ said it wouldn’t be appropriate to pursue mishandling classified document charges against the puppet president because he was too senile to stand trial.

        The FEC fined the Hillary Campaign and the DNC for misreporting a campaign expense as a legal expense. That particular expense was for seeding the Russiagate lies that consumed the entire country for three straight years and (intentionally) hampered the Trump administration.

        But Trump’s accountant supposedly misreports a campaign expense as a legal expense, and it’s the end of the world. Fine misdemeanor Felon!!! That particular expense was to cover up an extramarital affair from over a decade ago that had no implications for the country, unlike the Russia lies seeded by Hillary. Felon!!! Complete Disapproval 🤡

      • The DOJ said it wouldn’t be appropriate to pursue charges against Hillary for intentionally mishandling classified documents, and intentionally destroying evidence under subpoena because she was a VIP running for president. The media said it would be dangerous to pursue charges against Hillary.

        The DOJ said it wouldn’t be appropriate to pursue mishandling classified document charges against the puppet president because he was too senile to stand trial.

        The FEC fined the Hillary Campaign and the DNC for misreporting a campaign expense as a legal expense. That particular expense was for seeding the Russiagate lies that consumed the entire country for three straight years and (intentionally) hampered the Trump administration.

        But Trump’s accountant supposedly misreports a campaign expense as a legal expense, and it’s the end of the world. Fine misdemeanor Felon!!! That particular expense was to cover up an extramarital affair from over a decade ago that had no implications for the country, unlike the Russia lies seeded by Hillary. Felon!!! Complete Disapproval 🤡

        • Your post is so full of misinformation and outright falsehoods it would be difficult to respond to all of them.

          While I understand that much of this seems too complex for you to grasp, I can assure you that those well-versed in the jurisprudence process have examined the situation and formed conclusions that are appropriate.

          You might want to actually read the New York State legislation regarding falsifying business records and how they are elevated from misdemeanor to felony when the falsification is done in furtherance of another crime.

          You would also be well served to look at the actual specific facts of the various classified documents issues, you might then understand the substantial differences between each of the situations at hand.

          • “when the falsification is done in furtherance of another crime.”

            You mean like a federal crime that would fall under the jurisdiction of the FEC? Like the Hillary campaign and the DNC?

            “you might then understand the substantial differences between each of the situations at hand.”

            Everyone with a functioning brain understands the difference. It’s the difference between the regime and the enemy of the regime. The DOJ never said that prosecutable crimes did not exist for Hillary and Joe. The DOJ said they were declining to prosecute those very clear crimes because Hillary is a VIP and Joe is too senile. You guys were saying it was a threat to the country to even discuss locking Hillary up for her various crimes.

            In the case of the most investigated person in the history of the world, they had to stretch a thin legal theory to make him a felon for a low level supposed accounting error that was committed eight years ago. Why didn’t they prosecute him before? Because they looked into it and knew it was a stretch. Then he ran for president again, so they had to persecute because what else do they have? Reasonable policy positions LOL? They knew it would likely be thrown out, but that’s not the point now. There’s an election, so they have to smear and punish him. That’s the point.

            The same anti-gun people who are cheering for downgrading violent gun crime felonies to misdemeanors and cheering for upgrading a non-violent accounting misdemeanor to a felony. You people have serious mental issues.

        • Dude:
          You don’t, have to tell me about Hillery. I shuddered to think what would have happened had she got into the White House again along with that dippy she’s married to. I voted for Trump in 2016 and again in 2020, but now wish I had had a viable alternative. Anyway, Mr. Trump WAS defeated in the polls in 2020, but his colossal ego prevented him from believing that defeat could actually happen to HIM! Then January 6th happened, and Mr. Trump’s behavior on that day was absolutely reprehensible. THAT’S what turned me off on Mr. Trump. And don’t kid yourself, the Democrats did not steal the election; Mr. Trump lost the independent/female voters. Though I wouldn’t put it past the Democrats to steal an election if they could.
          As far as his trial in New York is concerned, he got as fair a “shake” as anyone else would have gotten having committed the same deeds.
          And, oh yeah; don’t call me a troll. As for you, Debbie, don’t call me a Democrat, however you spell it!

          • it has been a while since I read a comment that I agreed with as much as this comment. I too am a conservative and voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020. I will not do it again. Democracy is too important. I watch in amazement as others treat DJT like the second coming of Jesus Christ. It honestly scares me how little some of these people read and how limited their news sources are. The feedback loop is strong on both extreme ends of the political spectrum.

            Lastly, I just want to say I am an avid 2nd ammendment supporter, and I think Debbie is an idiot. I try and poke a little fun at her once in awhile, but have stopped coming to TTAG as often as I used to because of the lack of reasonable comments such as yours.

            • @SKP5885
              ” I too am a conservative and voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020. I will not do it again. Democracy is too important.”

              You should update your talking points so you don’t sound so much like a Democrat. Threat to Democracy!! LOL! You two almost sound like the same person. What are you trying to conserve these days? 2.5 million a year in illegal immigration? Inflation?

              “I watch in amazement as others treat DJT like the second coming of Jesus Christ.”

              Yeah, you sound exactly like a two-time Trump voter, and not like a Democrat posing as an independent. Whatever they’re paying you, it’s too much. You’re terrible at this, troll.

              • As I said, some people thing DJT is the second coming of Jesus Christ. You prove my point. You can call me whatever you want. I have always voted republican but do consider myself to have libertarian viewpoints. So Dude, I do want to point out that college educated Republicans are not as innamored with Trump as non college educated Republicans. Just saying.

              • @SKP5885
                It’s very telling that, instead of directly responding to my comment, you decided to insinuate that I believe “DJT is the second coming of Jesus Christ” and that I’m making a bad decision because I don’t have a college education. You’re wrong on all accounts. Does that mean your college education was worthless? Do you actually believe that college makes people more intelligent? College educated people are more likely to support Biden over Trump. They’re more likely to support Democrats in general. Do you believe that Joe Biden is the intelligent choice? Are “libertarians” now so far gone that they support weaponizing government agencies that intrude on the lives of American citizens? The answer must be yes because they nominated a big government, pro-welfare liberal.

                I actually do have a college education. It’s a requirement for the level I wanted to attain in my profession. I’m not smug enough to believe that makes me more intelligent than someone without a college degree. One of the smartest guys I’ve ever known had an eighth grade education. He ended up being a very successful businessman.

                I also don’t believe that “DJT is the second coming of Jesus Christ.” There isn’t any remote evidence that I would believe anything close to that. That was a very low level attack for such a highly educated lib as yourself. I’m a Trump supporter, but I’ve also shown a willingness to criticize his many mistakes. That’s the beauty of not being an ideologue or a partisan. It’s really simple. I’m for good things, and against bad things. When people I support do bad things, I always call them out for it. I find it very interesting that the “libertarians” on this site were silent when the government was sending them Covid bux. I was one of the very few on here, as well as the first, that called that out, along with the lockdowns, from day one. Where were you? Gleefully cashing in on your welfare like a good lib?

          • @Complete Disapproval
            Wow! I’m glad I checked back here. Your troll denial spiel has some holes in it. You shudder to think what would happen if Hillary got into the White House, yet you’re okay with the worst administration in modern history headed by a senile puppet? Yeah right! Hillary would have been better than this disaster because she would be worrying about getting reelected. At least the American people would know who was in charge. Biden just reads the words and signs his name.

            “Mr. Trump’s behavior on that day was absolutely reprehensible.”

            You mean when he said to “peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard?” That’s what made you choose Joe Biden over Trump? Or do you mean when he asked for extra security at the Capitol, and was denied by Pelosi? Yeah right, troll.

            “he got as fair a “shake” as anyone else would have gotten having committed the same deeds.”

            You mean the place that loves to downgrade violent felons to misdemeanors? That place? You mean when they went after Hillary for laundering money through her lawyer to collude with Russia? The end result was a Russian national being paid by the DNC and Hillary campaign to push the Russia collusion lie. Of course it was. You support that because you believe the Trump insurrectionist lie. Yeah right, troll.

            • “You mean when he said to “peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard?”

              No. You are being intentionally obtuse to provide cover for your cult leader, Donald Trump:

              “By focusing on that brief phrase, Trump is trying to deceive both the courts and the public. He wants people to focus on a short passage in which he told his supporters to march “peacefully and patriotically” to the Capitol, while ignoring all the inflammatory rhetoric he employed during the same speech.

              While Trump uttered the word “peacefully” just one time during his speech, which lasted more than an hour, he used variations of the word “fight” 20 times. That was Trump’s authentic voice. Though Trump knew the assembled crowd was “angry,” he ad-libbed the word “fight” on approximately 18 occasions. Trump also personally added multiple incendiary lines, including this one:

              “We fight like Hell and if you don’t fight like Hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.”


              • Fight like hell in politics doesn’t mean violence. Trump ALWAYS speaks like that. The word peacefully is very specific. It’s hilarious how you people justify ignoring that. But then again, everyone knows you have a long track record of being disingenuous, like all Democrat apologists.

      • “ONE misdemeanor.“

        Nope, documentary evidence showed 34 separate instances of falsification of business records in pursuance of other criminal activity.

    • It was a ‘Kangaroo trial’ because… it started and ended without providing the right to presumption of innocence.

      I never was a Trump fan per se’, I mean I didn’t run around cheering Trump all the time. Basically; He had some good and bad like every politician does. I liked him better than some presidents, and did vote for him and will again. Overall, across the board, Trump did better for this country than Biden has ever done.

      And I admit I absolutely hate Biden and see him for what he really is. Although obviously in a state of dementia and mental decline and completely unsuitable for office and incompetent, he is a Marxist Socia-list at heart and in deed and in desire and through those Biden is an enemy of the U.S. Constitution and the American people. Biden should be removed from office (as should Kamala Harris, shes also incompetent and completely unsuitable for office and shes just a version of Bidens Marxist Socia-list personna but more stupid).

      But this case against Trump was not about the good or bad of Trump. Its about the attempted murder of the U.S. Constitution that originates with Biden and trickles on down in this country into the courts through an outgrowth of the violent left wing machine that seeks the over throw of the United States to install a Marxist Socia-list communism.

      The charges against Trump were obscure, (mostly) unprecedented, to the point of fabrication. Although specific law(s) could be pointed to in word that supposedly applied, the application of such was stretched very thin and intentionally applied mostly out of context of the intent and application, and the jury instructions were biased and so was the judge. In other words it was the old Stalin’esque application. All through this case legal scholars were scratching their heads trying to figure out what crime Trump actually violated, and still are – and although Trump haters will point to specifics of this or that law and crow about “he was convicted by a jury of his peers – so there – I win the argument!” as if its some sort of definitive thing, they ignore the intentional and great miscarriage of justice here and that is denial of the presumption of innocence and it was only by denying that to Trump that he was convicted of ‘crimes’ in true Stalin’esque fashion.

      Lavrentiy Beria, the most ruthless and longest-serving secret police chief in Joseph Stalin’s reign of terror in Russia and Eastern Europe, bragged that he could prove criminal conduct on anyone, even the innocent. He made the infamous boast “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime”. Beria targeted “the man” first, then proceeded to find or fabricate a crime. Beria’s modus operandi was to presume the man guilty, and fill in the blanks later. This is what happened to Trump, they presumed him guilty then filled in the blanks later.

      An unprecedented violation of the Constitution denying him the presumption of innocence through the whole thing by the mis-application of law, the actions of a biased judge, wrongful ‘gag’ orders, a biased and concept-fabricating ‘prosecution’ and biased jury instructions. With the instructions and actions of the Judge. People don’t realize it but when a jury votes they vote according to the instructions they are given, with the bias of the judge and prosecution, lack of presumption of innocence, and jury instructions the (by then duped) jury had no other choice but to find against Trump.

      Under the United States Constitution, there’s a presumption of innocence that emanates from the 5th, 6th, and 14th Amendments, as set forth in Coffin vs. U.S. (1895). Trump was denied this through the whole thing.

      The judge and prosecution followed the Beria model exactly, not the U.S. Constitution model.

      This was also the criminalization of politics, plain and simple, a hit job to get Trump at all cost in an attempt to keep him from running for office of President. And although those who do not like Trump will cheer this verdict and cite all sorts of things to support their glee and opinions (and of course Miner49er will apply his usual lack of knowing what context means – and you sound a bit like him here) – what we saw here was a travesty, an outright Marxist Socia-list communism concept that was a direct assault on the U.S. Constitution to set a precedent that could be applied to anyone to deny them the right of presumption of innocence through bias and fabrication and mis-application.

      This case had so many holes in it from the very beginning. It will most likely be over turned, and it must not stand – the constitutional right of every American that goes before the court is at stake here, that right to presumption of innocence.

      • Well said.

        The “presumption of innocence” is lost on many, including professional commentators. DA Bragg ran his campaign on “I am going to get Trump,” as did AG Letitia James; they both did and they both did in the manner you describe above.

        When you have politician prosecutors fulfilling their campaign promises in such outlandish a manner any honest thinking person must conclude that the whole thing is kabuki.

        BTW, I am a litigator practicing in New York City, I have appeared before the Judge in the Letitia James’ instituted “civil” prosecution; he is as ardent a leftist as you’d find. I cant comment on Merchan having never appeared before him but the majority of the New York City Judiciary are dyed in the wool leftists.

        • “DA Bragg ran his campaign on “I am going to get Trump,” as did AG Letitia James“

          You claim to be a litigator, yet you do not understand the system.

          The prosecutor is required to be a zealous advocate for his client,We The People.

          While the prosecutor is not permitted to allow his personal preferences, political or religious beliefs to inform his actions, he is by definition, not impartial regarding the defendant’s guilt. He has seen the evidence developed by investigation, and formed the conclusion that the accused is guilty.

          • Yeah, that’s why they didn’t pursue this when they were made aware of it years ago. The FEC even looked into this. What’s different now? Trump’s running for president, and Dems know people don’t like the senile puppet or his running mate.

      • “denying him the presumption of innocence”

        You are asserting facts not in evidence.

        Trump was afforded the assumption of innocence, it was the prosecution’s duty to prove to the jury his guilt.

        The prosecution provided witness testimony and evidence that compel the jury defined Donald Trump guilty of 34 felonies.

        He is an adjudicated felon, just as he has been adjudicated guilty of sexual assault and engaging in fraudulent business practices.

        The jurisprudence system has a robust appeal process, I’m sure he will avail himself of this mechanism and we’ll continue to let the courts decide his fate, as mandated by the due process clause of the United States Constitution.

          • “You tried so hard and got so far but in the end…… “

            In the end, Donald Trump was found guilty of 34 separate felonies by a lawfully impaneled jury of his peers as mandated by the United States Constitution.

            • Either really old or not much beyond high school for this version assuming they are American neat. Oh and everything you said doesn’t even matter.

              • Strange, even after your post, Donald Trump is still a felon.

                Even more amusing, a UK court has ordered Donald Trump to pay $380,000 to Christopher Steele in Donald’s failed lawsuit against the compiler of the ‘Steele Dossier’.

                And Alex Jones is liquidating his assets to pay the $1.5billion judgment for his lies about Sandy Hook:

                “Infowars host Alex Jones agrees to sell off his assets as he admits he has to pay Sandy Hook families
                Courts have ordered Jones to pay $1.5 billion to the relatives of 20 students and six staff members killed in the 2012 attack at Sandy Hook Elementary School.
                June 6, 2024, 11:00 PM EDT / Source: Reuters
                By Reuters
                Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones has asked a U.S. judge to convert his bankruptcy into a Chapter 7 liquidation, giving up on an effort to settle massive legal judgments related to his lies about the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre.“

                Yeah, all you folks can talk shit like macho keyboard commandos on the Internet, but when push comes to shove in a court of law you will pay, and pay through the nose.

                Good times!

              • Lol is he now? Yet still running with minimal disruptions and a fairly solid appeal? Yep doesn’t matter. I will have a nothing burger with a side of fries.

            • minor49iq…You must enjoy being in bed with STD democRat sleaze like fani, smith, bragg et al. Everyone knows it’s all been a political witch hunt that began with a concocted russian collusion hoax.

              I suggest you spend your time addressing elderly abuse. I mean it’s gone from audibly farting in front of Blacks to pooping his pants in front of Veterans trying to commemorate D-Day.

              If you don’t think lowlife democRats who concocted slander and libel against POTUS DJT won’t scheme to find a way to flush joe you are even more dumber than you already look trying to defend the indefensible.

              TRUMP 2024.

              • “concocted russian collusion hoax“

                You better catch up with the latest news, a UK court has ordered Donald Trump to pay $380,000 to Christopher Steele.

                Meanwhile multiple convictions against Donald Trump‘s campaign and administration still stand:


                “Former Trump 2016 campaign chairman Paul Manafort: Sentenced to 7.5 years in prison this March for bank and tax fraud and crimes related to his work as a political consultant in Ukraine.

                Trump’s former personal attorney Michael Cohen: Received a three-year prison sentence in Dec. 2018 for tax evasion, bank fraud, lying to Congress and campaign finance violations.

                Former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos: Convicted of lying to investigators about about Russian contacts. He served 12 days in prison and in October, filed to run for former Rep. Katie Hill’s California seat.

                Richard Pinedo: The California man was sentenced to six months in prison in Oct. 2018 for selling bank account numbers to Russians who engaged in election interference. He has no known connection to Trump.

                Dutch attorney Alex van der Zwaan: Pleaded guilty to lying to federal investigators about his work for law firm Skadden, Arps, Meagher, & Flom LLP and Affiliates in 2012. He was sentenced to 30 days in prison and a $20,000 fine.

                Ex-Trump campaign deputy chairman Rick Gates: Pleaded guilty in Feb. 2018 to conspiracy and lying to the FBI. After cooperating extensively in multiple investigations, Gates was sentenced in December to 45 days in jail, three years of probation and 300 hours of community service.

                Roger Stone: Sentenced to 40 months in prison for crimes that include obstruction of justice, lying to Congress and witness tampering. A federal jury convicted Stone last year after he lied to Congress about his efforts to learn more about when WikiLeaks would publish damaging emails about Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential election.“

        • minor49iq…We The People? In your case it’s, “We The democRats.” As for everyone else it’s FJB.

          TRUMP 2024.

        • “You are asserting facts not in evidence.”

          Evidently you don’t understand the subject matter.

      • “Where are the “attacks” on the 3 leftist/commie broads?“

        Well, you need to show some evidence that they were receiving millions in bribes… I mean gifts from millionaires and big business, like Justice Thomas:

        “Justice Thomas has accepted $4M in gifts during career: Watchdog
        by: Lauren Irwin, The Hill
        Posted: Jun 7, 2024 / 11:23 AM CDT
        Updated: Jun 7, 2024 / 11:23 AM CDT
        (The Hill) – Supreme Court justices have received nearly $5 million in gifts since the early 2000s, and one justice in particular, Justice Clarence Thomas, accounts for nearly all of it.“

        • minor49iq…After the ways democRat joe biden et al tried to lynch hisvnomination of Thomas deserves Reparations. I mean if Thomas trashed money like the spoiled brat hunter biden you might have a case for sleaze.

  4. NYC to revoke Trump’s carry permit. Trump has Secret Security protection. Not that that makes NYC right. The whole thing is a shit show on every level. Still, even if Trump were armed and things went south, his security detail is not going to let him engage the bad guys.

  5. Revoking his NY State or NY City permits to purchase, possess, or carry firearms is moot because he’s been barred since his indictment by federal law from possessing firearms or ammunition. All this publicity about suspending or revoking his carry permit is purely performative – just more officials getting more face time to remind their employers they’re still going to the office.

  6. Nope, nope, nope, bullsht, nope. He is a former president, he has the utmost right to be armed. Take your infringement laws and shove em up Joe Bidens ass.
    Free Hunter Mandela.

  7. And here is an opportunity to keep government from taking nonviolent criminals guns away.

  8. From 2011

    “Three Felonies a Day”, how the feds target the innocent.
    by Harvey Silverglate

    I remember very well when libertarians liberals and the left used to say, there are far to many crimes, that should never be charged as felonies.
    Because they were non violent crimes.

    And I don’t hear a single one of them pointing this out in regards to Donald Trump. And those working to take away his civil rights. For non violent crimes.

    The three L’s have always been full of BS. They have never been serious people. All they care about is se.x and drugs.

    • “All they care about is…”

      Don’t forget persecuting political enemies. They love to wield the power of the state, and I’m not just talking about Trump. They’ve been doing this nonstop lately, like good little tyrants.

  9. “All they care about is…”

    Don’t forget persecuting political enemies. They love to wield the power of the state, and I’m not just talking about Trump. They’ve been doing this nonstop lately, like good little tyrants.

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