Car accident wreck tow truck

Refuting the Left’s Favorite Lie: No, Guns Don’t Kill More Children Than Cars

In further evidence of Americans’ waning attention spans, the once annual ritual of gun control activists and their media lackeys manipulating CDC fatal injury data to push a misleading factoid about children and firearms...
Assistant US Attorney Laura Cofer Taylor

AUSA Laura Cofer Taylor Trying to Muzzle Reporting on Her Prosecution in the AutoKeyCard...

You may remember the prosecution of two men we wrote about over the sale of AutoKeyCards. Those are the, uh, "bottle openers" that Matt Hoover and Kristopher Ervin were selling through a couple of...
girl shooting machine gun peace sign

Everytown and SPLC: Kids Who Like Guns are ‘Male Supremacist’ Racists…Allegedly

By Lee Williams  In Joe Biden’s America, the quickest way to marginalize an individual or a group is by labeling them as racist. It can happen to literally anyone, since the accusations don’t have to...
Jennifer Mascia

The Trace’s Not-An-Advocate-Just-A-Journalist Jennifer Mascia on the Need for More Gun Control in America

As strong as California’s gun laws are, it’s still easier to get guns there than it is in Europe, or Canada, or Australia, or New Zealand. The US began regulating gun access when we...
Junk Science guns

NY Times Recycles Debunked Study to Weaponize Anti-Gun Lies, Push More Disarmament Agitprop

By Salam Fatohi Anti-gun activists are getting so desperate that they are relying on incorrect methodology to spread their own gun control agenda in their battle against the firearm industry. Put simply: junk science will...

The Trace is Revealed – Yet Again – As the Bloomberg-Owned Anti-Gun Agitprop Outlet...

By Lee Williams  The Trace, the propaganda arm of former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg’s gun control empire, wants the public to believe it’s an actual newsroom comprised of actual journalists. That's a fiction...
fear horror cartoon

Pay No Attention to the Ginned-Up Faux Outrage Over Jason Aldean’s Song

By Peter Elias OK Shannon Watts, now do ANTIFA, BLM, and a lot of rap music. You know, since you're so concerned with violence and all. No? Why not? Because you are a bunch of...
Jason Aldean

A Day Ending in ‘Y’: Shannon Watts OUTRAGED Over New Jason Aldean Music Video

NEW: Country Music Television has pulled Jason Aldean’s music video ‘Try That In A Small Town’ in response to media outrage. In the music video, Aldean calls out left-wing violence, specifically violence against law enforcement. Apparently...

Ryan Busse: Lying Fearmonger, Yes…Firearm Industry Expert, Not So Much

Any time the media’s favorite former “gun guy”-turned-gun control advocate gets invited to speak about gun control, hold on. It’s going to be a wild ride. Ryan Busse, Senior Advisor for Giffords gun control group,...

California, Where Even Reading About Guns is Banned

Meanwhile in California, pornographic books are apparently just fine for K-12 school libraries, but periodicals about firearms are adults-only restricted material everywhere in the state. This is a shocking level of book banning! This is...

NY Times Finally Informs Readers That Millions of Women, Minorities Bought Guns Post-Pandemic

The New York Times deplores the idea of gun rights for the little people and that's regularly reflected in its "news" stories and editorials. In an ongoing demonstration of their hypocrisy, NYT writers scribble...
dewey defeats truman

New Jersey’s Dominant Media Continues to Whistle Past the Bruen Gun Control Graveyard

Traditionally the media in New Jersey is biased, with the dominant papers owned by large progressive corporations. Some independent and smaller media companies in the Garden State actually embrace civil liberties. One paper that's...