concealed carry training

Guns for Beginners: How to Find Quality Self-Defense Firearm Training

Carrying a gun lawfully for self-defense can make the difference between life and death in a critical situation. Yet at the same time it comes along with risks to the carrier thanks to laws...
Alli by Boch

Improve Your Shooting: The 50-Round Skill Sustainment Course of Fire

In case you didn't already know it, if you don't continue to shoot over time, you will slowly lose your shooting skills. Ammunition is more reasonable that it was a couple of years ago,...

Beginner’s Guide to the Most Common Calibers and What They’re Good For

Yes, there are a lot of bullet sizes and it can be confusing. We call them "calibers," except for shotguns, which are referred to as "gauge" or "bore." Each is different and -- just...
fmj range ammunition ammo

Why Range Ammunition Is A Bad Choice For Your Self-Defense Gun

Don't use range ammo as self-defense ammo. There are a number of good reasons why it's a bad idea. Range ammunition -- meaning full metal jacket or fragmenting ammunition in center fire rifles and pistol,...
center mass target

Personal Defense Tip: Aim for Center Mass to Stop the Threat

When you're shooting at someone to stop an imminent, credible threat of death or grievous bodily harm, do what the police do: aim for center mass. Never mind what you may have seen in...
Rimfire vs. Centerfire bullets cartridges

What’s the Difference Between Rimfire and Centerfire Ammunition?

Are you a newbie when it comes to shooting? There are millions of new, first-time gun owners out there who have come to own a firearm in the last three-plus years. Are you confused...

What’s The Right Age To Teach Kids Gun Safety?

Here's an inconvenient truth: firearm safety education saves lives. However, some people fear guns and don't want anything to do with teaching their kids how to be safe around them. At the same time,...
Just Say 'No' To Warning Shots

Personal Defense Tip: Just Say No To Warning Shots

In a perfect world, everyone would know not to fire warning shots. Unfortunately, Hollywood has made them almost part of our cultural lexicon. But don’t fall for Hollywood "training" on self-defense when it comes...
open carry holster gun

Why Would Someone Open Carry A Sub-Compact Pistol?

Michael in GA posted the following in the comment section . . . Is it counterintuitive to open carry a sub compact pistol? I was at a restaurant for my wife’s birthday with her and...

.38 Special: What I’ve Learned After Over 20,000 Rounds

I make a habit of counting the number of reloads I make by keeping a tally of primer and bullet boxes. I’m not a hoarder and I don’t keep them, but I am detailed...
The Truth About the AR-15 Carry Handle

The Truth About the AR-15 Carry Handle

The AR-15 carry handle has long been a subject of controversy. Is it a sight platform, a carry handle, or both? The original ArmaLite M16 design elevated the sights as a result of the...
failure to feed

Carry Gun Reliability: Is it Really a Big Deal If a Gun is Particular...

One of the criteria that some in the gun media as well as buyers use to judge a pistol is whether it digests a diverse array of ammunition. Brass case, steel case, multiple brands...