Hearing Protection Act Inserted Into H.R.3668

Introduced by Congressman Jeff Duncan (R, SC) on September 1st, H.R.3668 is a bill titled the "Sportsmen’s Heritage And Recreational Enhancement Act." Or the "SHARE Act," for short. Similar to how we saw the...

Young Auctioneer Helps Sell Guns for OK County Sheriff [Video]

The Wagoner County Oklahoma Sheriff's office held an auction of guns from its property room on August 19. For a segment of the gun auction, the auctioneer was a boy, about 12 years old....

California Gun Store Files Class Action Suit Against PayPal

Pay Pal, Square, Stripe and other electronic payment processors have revolutionized the world of retail sales, both online and in person. They allow merchants to turn smart phones and tablets into cash registers, freeing them...

New York’s ‘Child Operated Firearm’ Bill is Bad News

The New York legislature is considering a bill that would ban retailers from selling handguns that don't have either a 10-pound trigger pull, a "firing mechanism" sufficiently unwieldy that a five-year-old couldn't use it, or...

Bill Introduced in US House to Roll Back Obama’s ‘Fast and Furious’ Rule

Gun control advocates are still feeling blowback from the scandalous Fast and Furious gunwalking scheme, six years after the story broke. In response to the scandal, Representative Evan Jenkins (R-W.Va.) recently introduced the Protecting...